During the 1940 Blitz, Charlie, Carrie, and Paul are evacuated from London to the small village of Pepperinge Eye. There, they are placed in given into custody of Miss Eglantine Price, who agrees to the arrangement temporarily. They attempt to run back to London, but after observing Miss Price attempting to fly on a broomstick, they change their minds. They learn that she is an apprentice witch, who is learning witchcraft through a correspondence school with hopes of using her spells in the British war effort. In exchange for their silence, she offers them a transportation spell. The spells works on anything twistable, such as a bracelet or a ring, but in this case she enchants a bedknob that Paul removed from a brass bed in their room. She adds that because Paul was the one who handed it her, it is powerless unless he orders it. When reattached to the bed, it will travel anywhere he asks.
Physical appearance[]
Carrie has light brown hair tied in pigtails with red bows, pale skin, and blue eyes like Charlie and Paul. Among her siblings, Carrie resembles Charlie the most, as she inherits the freckles from him that she also has.