The series follows Lightning McQueen and his best friend Mater on a rollicking road trip across the United States as they journey eastward to attend a wedding for the latter’s sister. These episodes are filled with lots of fun new characters, imaginative destinations as well as old friends checking in along the way.
It is also the third to be a Disney+ exclusive after the latter two.
It is also the second series to be animated entirely by Pixar, after Dug Days, as Buzz Lightyear of Star Command was animated entirely by Disney Television Animation (not counting the segments during the intro) and Monsters at Work had most of its animation done by Dwarf Animation.
This is the third 3D animated series to be based on a 3D film, after Monsters at Work and Dug Days.
The series premiered on the same day as the 54th birthday of the Mexican voice actor, Sergio Gutierrez Coto (September 8), who voices Lightning McQueen in the series and in other media outside of the films in the Latin Spanish dub.