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"Castle in Spain" is a song in the film, Babes in Toyland. It was sung by Barnaby. Barnaby is trying to persuade Mary Contrary that marrying him would give her everything she desires, even describing his crooked house as a "Castle in Spain".


In our castle in Spain,
You’ll be living rent-free
Every capital gain,
You’ll share with me

From this village below,
Every cent we will drain,
And our fortune will grow
In our castle in Spain
Every mortgage and lease,
I will reevaluate
And for you
I’ll increase their interest rate
You’ll eat nothing but cake,
You’ll drink naught but champagne,
You’ll be in on the take
In our castle in Spain
Surely, you must agree
That it makes your head whirl
To be marrying me,
You lucky girl

You have caught me today
In a generous vein
Come now, what do you say?
To our castle in Spain

v - e - d
Babes in Toyland Logo
Babes in ToylandSoundtrack
Tom PiperMary ContraryBarnabyGonzorgo and RoderigoMr. ToymakerGrumioMother GooseSylvester J. GooseBo PeepBoy BlueWillie Winkie
Mother Goose VillageBarnaby's HouseThe Forest of No ReturnToyland
Toy SoldiersShrinking FormulaPoof Gun
Mother Goose Village and LemonadeWe Won't Be Happy 'Till We Get ItMary, Mary Quite ContraryJust A Whisper AwaySlowly He Sank to the Bottom of the SeaCastle in SpainNever Mind, Bo-PeepI Can't Do The SumFlorettaThe Forest of No ReturnToylandWorkshop SongJust A ToyMarch of the ToysTom and Mary