Chandeleria is a character in Belle's Magical World, the third film installment in the Beauty and the Beast franchise. She is one of the Beast's servants who was turned into a chandelier by the Enchantress' curse.
Role in the film[]
She is one of the Beast's servants, transformed into a chandelier. She means well, but she is hard of hearing, often getting the words wrong, which leads her to lower herself to hear properly. This leads to her and Lumiere having an argument, while Belle and the Beast are having dinner. In the first segment of Belle's Magical World, Lumiere believes she lowers herself down to burn bright, which was not true at all. After a while Chandeleria begins feeling guilty when Lumiere refuses to speak to her, though Cogsworth assures her that "he is to proud for his own good". Later after the Beast apologizes, Lumiere is feeling sad "that everyone is able to forgive but him" but Mrs. Potts tells him it's not too late. Meanwhile Chandeleria is seen crying causing all of her candles to go out. After Webster, Le Plume, and Crane tell everyone their adventures in the forest Lumiere still thinking that she lowers herself to burn brighter, thought she admits that she really lowers herself to work more closely with him and the two forgive each other causing Lumiere to relight her candles. In the next segment, "Mrs. Potts' Party", she is feeling bad for Mrs. Potts feeling gloomy and sad about the weather.