Charles Wallace Murry is a character from the movie A Wrinkle in Time and its 2018 remake.
Charles is a kid genius, the son of Dr. Alex (or Jack) Murry and Dr. Kate (or Dana) Murry. He is wise, kind, gentle, and a loving brother to his sister, Meg. When their father goes missing, Meg and Charles use the power of the tesseract to travel to the planet to the planet Camazotz to rescue him from the evil cybernetic organism called It (or Red).
Although Alex/Jack is freed from It/Red's control, It/Red takes over Charles's mind, turning Charles into one of It/Red's servants. Meg uses her love for Charles to free Charles from It/Red's control, which in turn destroys It/Red. Following It/Red's defeat, Charles and Meg safely return home with their father back in the real world, reuniting him with his wife just as their mother happily approaches the two who have returned home.
A Wrinkle in Time (2003)[]
When Meg returns home, she describes Charles being brilliant, though he would never talk outside his family to which according to Meg's mother, she said that he was new to the family, much to Meg explaining to herself that she had no idea why he was new. The next day at Westover Community School, Charles' teacher gives quizzes her students to know which continent she is pointing at on the globe to which Charles does not respond to her just as Isabel explaining that the continent the teacher is pointing to is Africa much to Charles hearing Mrs. Whatsit in his mind to meet her at the haunted house.
While walking through the woods, a nearby teen named Calvin O'Keefe overhears the commotion just as he stands up against a trio of bullies for being rude to them just as Meg and Calvin stroll through the woods and have a conversation with each other. That night, Charles hears Mrs. Who calling him in his mind just as he and Meg wander what is going on. Meg explains to her about her encounter with the crow outside while his mother asks him to make a sandwich for her. Later, Charles tells Meg and her mother to introduce Mrs. Whatsit to her to which the crow outside is revealed to be Mrs. Whatsit.
The next day, Charles and Meg explore an abandoned cottage and encounter another crow inside whom Meg believes she is Mrs. Whatsit, but it is actually a real crow just before the two leave home as a pair of glasses watches over them. Later, Charles and Meg encounter Calvin who is offered to go to their mother's house to which he plays a game of Boggle with Charles while Dana continues researching the tesseract. That night, he hears Mrs. Whatsit again to show Calvin to find his missing father, Dr. Jack Murry, as Calvin is also urged to join in the search. The three arrive at planet Malik's third star Uriel, which is at the planet Malik as it is known Charles, Calvin, and Meg went to this planet via tesseract. As the trio picks up the blue flowers, Charles and the rest board on Mrs. Whatsit in her Pegasus-like creature form and look at the distant darkness that senses a great danger to the universe if not stopped.
That night, Charles and the rest of the trio overhear the three Mrs. Ws talking about Charles discussing their curiosities about them to which Meg overhears. During the conversation, Charles goes into a conversation with Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which, who discuss about the troubles of darkness and Mr. Murry who is lost in the planet Camazotz. He is then sent to go with Calvin to find the Happy Medium who would help them on their journey. During their journey, the three encounter glowworms which helped the three give them light just as the three find the Happy Medium. After learning about Mrs. Murry sad for her husband's loss, it leads Meg, Charles, and Calvin to travel to the planet Camazotz to find Mr. Murry via tesseract.
Later, Meg and Charles use the power of the tesseract to the planet Camazotz to rescue their father from the evil cybernetic organism called It, followed by Calvin joining in. Upon arriving, the three end up getting ambushed by the Man with Red Eyes at the Central Central Intelligence. As the dangers quiet down, Calvin and the rest of the children pass through a neighborhood of Camazotz's residents playing in the dark. Arriving at a movie house, the three discover many merchandise related to It, who rules over Camazotz at the Central Central Intelligence headquarters as a local Camazotz resident girl points the trio to It's headquarters. After discussing with a Camazotz resident teen about It, Meg, Charles, and Calvin approach the Central Central Intelligence headquarters to face It.
Arriving at the Central Central Intelligence, Charles asks a receptionist to know what is the procedure to enter to which he tells him fill out the "A" and "B" forms and put the "A" form in the "S" slot and then wait for the door to open to which Charles himself feels his that his father is there just as the three enter Room K07 without filling the forms required to access by following an agent nearby without getting caught by the security guards. Later when Calvin is placed into a lab where his dreams of being a basketball player are being used as a trap by the laboratory employees, Charles helps free Calvin alongside Meg to which as the three encounter an image showing Meg and Charles' father inside, Meg patiently puts on the glasses given by Mrs. Who as Meg uses them to enter the image. As the image disappears, Charles and Calvin could not catch up with her due to the fact that the image Meg entered disappeared. Suddenly, Man with Red Eyes then gives a new order at Camazotz about all grief, illness, and conflict banished to which as he arrives there, his father warns himself to avoid putting It into his thoughts as he can be a trap. The Man explains to Charles about his different abilities to which his father confronts him, much to his father's warnings.
Meg then tells Charles to remember what Mrs. Which says to which he decides to face his fears in dealing with him, much to Meg's warning. However, the Man with Red Eyes uses the power of tesseract to create a gap which separates Charles from his family, including Calvin. Facing him, the Man gives Charles a bad influence about him to which upon seeing the books he placed via tesseract, it is revealed that the Man with Red Eyes has taken over Charles' mind, turning him into his servant, much to his father telling him to avoid trusting him to which Meg warns him that he is actually taking control of him to which when Charles tells his father that his mother would have seen the astronaut Valentina Tereshkova shown by the Man with Red Eyes, Jack then tells Charles to think of what his mother says to which his father becomes stunned by the Man's tesseract.
Still dealing with him, Charles keeps hearing advice from Meg and her father about not trusting the Man with Red Eyes to which ignoring him, he suddenly becomes under control of him, much to the warnings given out by his father, alongside Meg. Noticing Meg stuck midair due to Charles Wallace under It's evil forces, Calvin tells Meg's father to put on Mrs. Who's pair of glasses to save Meg from the tyranny of It to which while using the glasses, Charles (still with his mind under It's control) reacts to Meg, her father and her friend Calvin escaping, still with Charles Wallace in Camazotz behind while being under control by the Man with Red Eyes. After Meg, her father, and her friend Calvin, have arrived at Ixchel and after Meg follows the advice from Aunt Beast, Meg, her father, and Calvin discusses with Mrs. Which, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Who about finding plans to rescue Charles from the darkness to which it is explained that the three cannot, due to It's powerful forces to which it is explained that grace would be the only hope of rescuing Charles from the Man with Red Eyes.
After Meg returns back to Camazotz, Meg arrives at the spot where Charles Wallace is at where he is at a dining room with It. As Meg confronts It, Charles Wallace explains to Meg that he obeys the negative influence of It to which Meg denies, explaining that It is the one talking to him and putting him under control to which as Meg faces It. While planning to free Charles, Meg begins counting the numbers the elements of the periodic table from one to thirteen in order to which a vision of Calvin suddenly appears to distract Charles and get him out of It's influence. Meg approaches Charles again who now finally understands what Meg is really saying about the bad influences from It to which Meg suddenly hugs Charles to help him escape from It, much to his rage.
Having returned back to the real world at home, Charles Wallace approaches Meg's mother who is happy to see Meg back after not seeing her for a long time, alongside Charles Wallace to which while Meg's mother is preparing pineapple for Charles Wallace, he recaps about his adventures through the power of tesseract. Later as it is known that everything else around Meg in this dimension is not real, it is known that Meg returning to the real world is an illusion . Later after Meg finds herself at the Westover Community School, the Man with Red Eyes tells her that Charles Wallace is her enemy to which Meg denies, explaining to him about It doing his evil plans toward him. Later after a Meg finds herself at Camazotz again, Meg tells Charles that what It is telling him is a threat to which Meg attempts to use her love for Charles to free him, but Charles refuses to trust her. After trying so hard to trust Meg about that she loves him, Charles Wallace is finally free from It's control, which in turn destroys the Man with Red Eyes himself and It itself.
With Charles Wallace finally free from It, he and Meg leave Central Central Intelligence after Meg tells the Camazotz inhabitants that they are now free, the two see a sunlight from a distance just as the two travel via tesseract to return to the real world with the two happily reuniting with each other. Thereupon, Charles happily reunites with his mother who also reunites her husband and Meg. Later when the three Mrs. Ws appear in front of their allies, Mrs. Which praises Charles about much what he expected, even though he gave the three too much just as Mrs. Which praises him and just as the three of them leave. After the three Mrs. Ws all leave together, Charles Wallace explains to the twins Sandy and Dennys that the three women he saw represent consciousness, goodness, energy, and light who helped Meg and her allies throughout their adventures just as he shares his experience about the adventures he had with Meg and Calvin with his mother and father walking alongside him.
A Wrinkle in Time (2018)[]
Meg approaches Charles Wallace at the kitchen at night where Meg finds out that he has trouble sleeping, suggesting him to sleep in her room instead. During the conversation, he hears the recent news about the disappearance of Meg's father who vanished all of a sudden as heard via radio, much to Meg and Charles Wallace's disappointment. The next day at school, Charles is sketching a drawing of three mystical beings while hearing two teachers gossiping about the disappearance of Meg and Charles' father to which Charles feels offended for giving a negative comment about this, much to one of them warns him that this is not an acceptable behavior at school, just as he warns Meg about this. After Meg injured Veronica during recess, Charles Wallace is sent to Principal Jenkins' office where he is next after Meg. Meg suddenly leaves the discussion with the principal, much to Principal Jenkins' worry that his conversation is not complete while discussing about the incident Meg had earlier.
Later that night, Charles is talking to Mrs. Whatsit who praises Charles for being a hero. When Meg approaches her, Charles Wallace explains to Meg that she is harmless, much to Meg's worry just before Meg's mother tells her to leave because it is late.
The next day, Meg and Charles walk across the neighborhood where they encounter Calvin O'Keefe. During a conversation with Calvin, Charles Wallace suggests Calvin to go to the Murry family's home to which Calvin decides to accept his suggestion just before Charles meets Mrs. Who inside the house Charles Wallace is facing. Encountering Mrs. Who, Calvin and Meg gaze upon her just as Mrs. Who happily encounters Charles Wallace in the house. Upon encountering her, she offers Meg and Calvin to sit next to her. After listening the quotes Mrs. Who gives to Charles and Meg, he, Meg, and Calvin leave the house to give Mrs. Who some time to rest. Later upon inviting Calvin to eat with Meg and Charles Wallace at the Murry family's home, the three listen to Mrs. Murry's story about what Meg's father was before he disappeared.
Later at the backyard, Charles Wallace approaches the Mrs. Ws as Charles himself is happy that the three of them where he listens to Mrs. Which, who explains that her father is still around as he is still missing in which the three of them use the power of tesseract to transport Charles Wallace, alongside Meg and Calvin to the planet Uriel via tesseract. As Charles Wallace finds himself at the planet Uriel, he then explains to himself that he learned a new vocabulary word called "Luminous". Later, Mrs. Whatsit transforms into a mystical creature in a plan to take Charles, Meg, and Calvin to find Meg's father. Later, after Calvin was rescued by the flowers due to the negativity from the darkness, Mrs. Who tells Mrs. Whatsit to help Charles, Meg, and Calvin to focus on light when darkness is present, which it is found out that the pure evil energy from Camazotz known as the It is causing the negativity. After Mrs. Whatsit thought of a seer who would help Meg find her father, Mrs. Which began tessering to help Mrs. Who and Mrs. Whatsit bring Charles, Meg, and Calvin to the Happy Medium's lair.
Arriving at the planet Orion, Charles and Calvin arrive at the Happy Medium's lair where they meet the seer Mrs. Whatsit was talking about. As they encounter the Happy Medium inside his cave, Charles and the others stand on one foot while closing their eyes. After Mrs. Which recaps that the It began spreading negativity across the universe, Meg devises a plan to find her missing father, but the Mrs. Ws instead decide to send her back to safety; Meg re-directs the tessering act to Camazotz rather than Earth, leading her, Charles, and Calvin to end up in Camazotz.
Charles, Meg, and Calvin find themselves at Camazotz where the Mrs. Ws are weakening due to the negativity caused by the It. Just as the three of them leave, Calvin and Meg are having trouble finding Charles Wallace who disappeared while a tornado approaches as the voices of the three Mrs. Ws tell them that Charles is at a wall. Having survived the tornado. Meg and Calvin encounter Charles Wallace who is safe after all just as the three stroll across the neighborhood of Camazotz.
As the three stroll across the Camazotz neighborhood, they encounter various children bouncing rubber balls in sync just as Meg, Charles, and Calvin approach a local woman offering them dinner, which Meg warns them to avoid trusting any resident, fearing that it could be a trap. Charles, Megand Calvin find themselves at a deserted beach where Charles finds out that Camazotz changes sceneries throughout their adventures. They encounter a beach packed with a large crowd of people and amongst the crowd is a man with red eyes who approaches the three.
As they approach the Man who reveals himself as Red, Charles, Meg, and Calvin sit down while Red offers them a plate of sandwiches (which turn out to be made of sand and are not real food) not before Charles Wallace becomes the It's servant. Meg and Calvin go after the Man with Red Eyes as they attempt to stop Charles Wallace from trusting the It as the two find themselves in a building known as "Central Central Intelligence" where Charles Wallace continues to obey the It's orders, tempted to serve under his orders. After Meg remembers that her father was last seen at Camazotz and not trusting the lies the It gave to Charles, Meg uses Mrs. Who's pair of glasses to find a path to a hidden tunnel to find her father and bring him back home.
After escaping, Charles (under the It's commands) causes the invisible platform that Meg and her father are standing on to disappear as Meg's father approaches his son as he tells Alex that the It has made him follow his new orders, much to his worry that his son is tempted to meet the It just as the corrupted Charles drags Meg, Charles, and Alex into a dark corridor just as the Man in Red Eyes is revealed to be the It as shown through Meg's mind just as the It tells Meg, Alex, and Calvin that they are powerless against him taking over Charles.
Meg finds herself in a dark space where he encounter the It who attacks her with his large arms in the darkest mind in the universe. Meg approaches Charles who tells her to join the It just before he attacks Meg who keeps attacking her. Meg remembers the advice of what the Mrs. Ws taught her and becomes determined to save Charles from the It. Meg tries hard to show love to Charles to save him from the It who is possessing him and after telling her that she deserves to be loved, the It suddenly becomes very furious, using his arms to grab Meg just as Meg tells Charles that she loves him. Charles (who is later freed from the It) later approaches Meg who is lying down unconsciously just as he sings "Flower of the Universe" to Meg, suddenly reviving Meg, bringing her back to life.
With Meg revived, the It begins to disintegrate, causing all the darkness inside the room to turn into light, wiping out the darkness and undoing all the negativity the It caused. Meg and Charles Wallace see the Mrs. Ws who came back just as the three praise the two for defeating the It. The Mrs. Ws then bid a farewell to Charles Wallace and Meg who arrive back home to reunite with their mother just as Mr. Murry reunites with his wife. Charles and Meg approach Calvin who is planning to return home and to talk to his father, just before he leaves while Charles and Meg both bid a farewell to Calvin. As Charles' parents are happy to have their son back at home, Meg thanks the Mrs. Ws for their help to her.
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