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Charlotte is a character in Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva la Fiesta. She is a Japanese Spitz and Pedro's love interest.

Role in the film[]

Charlotte is the three times champion of the Westminister Dog Show. She is owned by the posh Amelia James. At first, she was a little disgusted by Pedro's "smile", but in the end smiled back at him. Charlotte is proud of her VIP tag. She drops it in the pool and attempts to retrieve it despite her inability to swim. She also asks if Chloe, Pedro and Papi could meet her in the restaurant stating as a VIP she can go in there after hours. She recounts her adventure at the pool and Papi realises how protective he's being. She help's Papi, Chloe and Pedro prepare for Rosa's quinceañera. She is shown celebrating it with everyone else, and then states to Pedro her desire for puppies.


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Disney Beverly Hills Chihuahua Logo
Beverly Hills Chihuahua (video) • Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 (video) • Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: Viva la Fiesta
Animals: PapiChloeDelgadoEl DiabloChucoRafaManuelChicoMontezumaPedroPapi Jr.RosaLalaAliPepAlberto and AntonioSebastianDeltaBiminiCharlotteAppolineOscar

Humans: Vivian AsheRachelSamMr. and Mrs. CortesVásquezRaffertyColleen MansfieldMr. KroopJudge McKibleOfficer KetchamSergeant MancíaRobbersJennyMr. Montague

See Also
Legend of the Chihuahua • "Chihuahua" • Beverly Hills Chihuahuas