Christina Ross is mother to the kids on Jessie, known as Ravi, Luke, Emma, and Zuri. She and her husband are similar to Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, since they have adopted children from different ethnicities. She is a supermodel and married to movie director Morgan Ross.
She's like all mothers: wise, loving, and strict. She often gets annoyed at Jessie when she shows negativity, and makes fun of her, as seen in "A Christmas Story." She has made a fortune trusting her instincts, as well as putting her name on everything.
Character history[]
Season 1[]
In "New York, New Nanny", she met her children's new nanny. She and Emma talked about her upcoming science fair. In the next scene, she told Jessie she could nanny her kids. Later, she told Emma that she and Morgan couldn't make it to the science fair. Then, Jessie flew to the set she was working at to tell her how upset Emma was about it, and why she had to hire so many nannies. She and Morgan fire Jessie. She rehired her after she realized Jessie was right about everything.
In "Zombie Tea Party 5", it was mentioned Bertram broke her and her husband's wedding china.
In "Christmas Story", she and her husband get caught in a snow-storm, but they do make it home in time for Christmas.
IN "World Wide Web of Lies", she gets an early flight home to spend time with her family. She finds out about "Tattler Toddler" but believes the pictures were taken out of context. She later helps defeat Agatha by threatening to expose how bad she really is. Christina later appears cheering on for Ravi and Luke when they have a fight.
- She has the iPhone 2G.