Cinderella: The Making of a Masterpiece is a behind-the-scenes short documentary narrated by Corey Burton on the making of Cinderella. It was originally made to commemorate the film's 45th anniversary and was included with the film's Walt Disney Masterpiece Collection VHS and laserdisc releases. The special was made in 1997 by TV is OK Productions and was written and produced by Harry Arends and Phil Savenick.
Archive footage from a Laugh-O-Gram short, a clip from The Fred Waring Show with Walt discussing differences between Cinderella and Snow White is shown along with audio from a radio interview with him on the film later in life. Early concept art from the earlier Silly Symphonies drafts along with concepts for the film are also presented. Some deleted sequences are also showcased such as "The Cinderella Work Song" and "Dancing on a Cloud".
- Walt Disney (archive footage)
- Ward Kimball
- Marc Davis
- Frank Thomas
- Ken O'Connor
- Ollie Johnston
- Ilene Woods
- John Hench