Circle Seven Animation was a short-lived division of the Walt Disney Company specializing in computer generated imagery (CGI) animation and was originally going to work on making sequels to the Disney-owned Pixar properties (which consisted of the seven Pixar films released by Disney between 1995 and 2006), leading rivals to derisively nickname the division "Pixaren't".
The division was named after the street where its studios were located. Circle Seven Drive in Glendale, California is also home to KABC-TV; the street is presumably named after KABC's trademark Circle Seven logo, which is also used in other ABC O&Os in New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. The division was working on early drafts of Toy Story 3, Monsters, Inc. 2, and Finding Nemo 2 before Disney's acquisition of Pixar in 2006, which led to the end of production on the Circle Seven version of those films.
On March 21, 2006, Disney officially closed this division, transferring about 80% of the studios employees to Walt Disney Feature Animation.