The Cloning Copy Machine is a machine owned by Stan Pines that can make paper copies as well as living copies of humans (even incomplete human body parts, which are animated). The copier's origin is unknown, even though it is known that Stan has made some repairs to it. It is a major plot device in "Double Dipper". It made a cameo in "Boss Mabel" in Stan's office. It says CAUTION in several different languages.
Stan first mentioned the copier to Dipper and Mabel when he wanted them to copy fliers for his party. They learn of its supernatural property when Dipper accidentally copies his arm, which then comes to life, before they kill it with a cup of Pitt Cola (an interesting aspect about the copies is that they all seem to be destroyed by water or liquids). The Copier is next used by Dipper to make multiple copies of himself to aide in his courtship of Wendy. During one of these copies, a paper jam occurred, which resulted in a mutilated copy of Dipper known as Paper Jam Dipper.
The Copy Machine is used like any other normal copier. After the item (or person) in question has been scanned, a paper copy emerges from the end. If it is a person that has been copied, the paper quickly becomes three-dimensional.
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