Colleen Wing is a Marvel Comics character that appears in Iron Fist, played by Jessica Henwick. She trained under the Sensei Bakuto, making her part of the Hand. However, she forgoes her membership of the criminal organization to help Danny Rand, and thus became Danny's partner in his adventures, helping him protect the innocent and fight the forces of evil. She is an expert martial artist and a skilled swordswoman. She runs her own dojo in New York City, which was given to her by Bakuto to train more members of the Hand.
Colleen Wing was created by Doug Moench, Larry Hama and Neal Adams.
- Expert Martial Artist: Trained under the Hand, Colleen Wing is an expert in martial arts.
- Skilled Swordsman: Colleen Wing carries a katana with her as her main weapon, which she has mastered the use of.
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