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"Common Scents" is an episode from The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa.


Timon and Pumbaa are lying in a pool. Timon then smells something and finds out that it's Pumbaa who stinks. Pumbaa's smell goes all the way to a hotel. A man named Donny Gofigure smells the scent and goes to see what it is.

Donny Gofigure finds Pumbaa and tells the warthog that he's going to start a business selling perfume and that he'll be famous. First they examine Pumbaa's smell, then they make a commercial about the perfume Pumbaa's selling, then they put pictures of Pumbaa with the perfume in magazine covers. Pumbaa now has his own perfume store.

Pumbaa is now at a show to talk to the audience about his business, but first he wants them to hear Timon's speech. When Timon shows up and says something, the stage is silent, but then the audience applause when Pumbaa returns. Pumbaa and Donny are now giving a speech.

Timon becomes jealous of Pumbaa's fame and decides to make his own perfume business. The meerkat goes to a mall and sells his perfume to the people, but everyone keeps on walking. When Pumbaa shows up, Timon tells him that he's not happy about his business. Pumbaa then tells him that he would rather be his bestest best friend than famous, which makes Timon happy.

Donny shows up to give Timon and Pumbaa a million dollars, but Pumbaa gives up his fame and fortune. Because of Pumbaa's decision, Donny decides to stop doing a business for warthogs. Timon gets angry at Pumbaa for giving up a million dollars until a man tells the meerkat that he has to take out the trash to a dump in order to make money.

Timon and Pumbaa are at a dump taking out the trash. Pumbaa then gets gas and his suit inflates and floats in the air.

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