Community Sue Lanemoto is a supporting character from the Disney Channel animated series Big City Greens. She is the director of the Big City Community Center and partakes in many of the community activities.
Community Sue is a hard driven woman who always tries to push people to the best that they can be. While she can be just as eccentric as the other characters on the series, she is much more disciplined and well-versed to offer actual useful advice, that is when it comes to sports and activities. In "Gabriella's Fella", she claims that she is good at reading social situations and persuaded Cricket to pursue Gabriella. Sue is very prideful of her own abilities as she proudly took first place at the '95, '96 and '98 Olympics, but not '97 to which she tells Tilly Green "don't ask about '97". She holds other interests as well such as being a DJ when the community center requires one.
Physical appearance[]
Community Sue is a short and stout blue woman, ironic as she is a rather athletic person. She has curly brown hair done up by a purple knot at the top of her head. She wears a maroon track suit with a white line down the sides and white athelete's shoes. She has small and barely noticeable gold stub earrings.
- She apparently works alongside Juan Pablo, but their personal relationship has not been shown.
- It is unknown if Sue is exaggerating her abilities, or if she really is as athletic as she claims.
- Sue claims in "Valentine's Dance" that the Community Center does not have any money. How she or Juan Pablo get paid is unknown.
- In "Boss Life", it is revealed that being a community leader has been her dream job since she was 3-years-old.
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