The Construction Supervisor is a minor antagonist in the 2009 Disney/Pixar animated feature film Up. Despite his small role, he is the main cause that pushes Carl Fredricksen, the protagonist, to leave with his house at the Paradise Falls.
Physical appearance[]
He is a slim man with brown hair. He wears a white construction helmet, a black suit, and black sunglasses.
Although he doesn't speak, it is clear that the supervisor is a man very invested in his work as demonstrated by all the construction site around Carl's house. As the old man's house is in the middle of his site, the supervisor will do anything to get Carl out. He would later use an incident with a worker to get Carl to permanently leave his house.
Role in the film[]
The construction supervisor is seen at the beginning with two of his employees and speaks very often on the phone. With Carl noticing the construction site around him, he grabs a megaphone from Tom, a foreman to tell him to stay away from his house, but Tom refuses to listen. Carl then tells Tom that the supervisor can have his house when he is dead. A little later, Carl strikes Steve, a worker, with his cane, injuring him. Seeing this, the supervisor hangs up his phone to see how Steve is doing with other workers.
Carl, who has taken refuge in his house, draws a curtain and sees the supervisor putting his hand on a fence of the house, indicating that he will press charges about the incident. He was present at the court alongside his two employees, in order to judge Carl as a "public menace", which would ultimately drive Carl to go to Paradise Falls with his home as transportation. The construction supervisor is no longer seen after this and he probably continued his work since Carl's house is no longer there since Carl managed to leave for Paradise Falls with many balloons on the top of his house.