The Coza Kex is a magical Fire Opal that appears in the Disney Channel animated series Elena of Avalor. It appears in the episode "Blockheads".
The Coza Kex was created by the wizards of the Kingdom of Maru while their civilization was still in existence. It was created to serve as a punishment. The Kex punishes any bad deed performed by those who touch it by placing a curse on them that gives them a taste of their own medicine. The only way to break the Kex's curses is to undo the bad deed.
After Princess Elena and her friends keep ignoring Princess Isabel by not letting her play Olaball with them, Elena and the group get turned into wooden dolls after touching the Kex. The curse is eventually lifted when the group allows Isabel to play with them.
The Coza Kex resembles an orb that appears to have a fiery glow from the inside.
- The Kex's ability to curse anyone who does a bad deed is most likely a nod to the Curse Unleashing ability of the Amulet of Avalor.