The Crown of the Gnomes (mostly known as the Crown of Blossoms) is a magical tiara that produces magical seeds that can make crops grow better, faster, and more delicious than normal.
The Crown originally belonged to the gnomes. The gnomes used it to help their produce grow, since their land is very infertile to the point where their produce cannot get big and juicy without magical assistance. For this, they used the Crown's seeds to help their produce grow until it was found and taken by Sofia's great-grandmother by mistake. Upon discovering its magical abilities, the crown played a major part in the Festival of Plenty, worn by the Princess of Plenty who would plant one of the magic seeds into the ground to grow enough crops for Enchancia to celebrate the festival. The true origin of the crown would remain unknown until Princess Sofia learnt about the truth from two gnomes, Malacite and Figs, who tried to steal it back. The crown was returned to its rightful place, and every year the gnomes would bring it for the Festival of Plenty.