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"Crystal Clear Waters" is the first segment of the thirteenth episode of Mickey Mouse Funhouse. It premiered on March 25, 2022 alongside "The Big Funhouse Sleepover".


Mickey's hero, Crystal Clearwater, is visiting Hot Dog Hills to present the town with a clean water award.


Mickey and the gang are hanging out with Funny when Funny reveals that hero Crystal Clearwater is coming to Hot Dog Lake and will give a Crystal Clearwater Clear Water award if it is clean. In his excitement, Donald leaves his plastic bottle lying around and it is seen he has been leaving plastic bottles lying around everywhere. The gang helps him clean up the bottles and put them in the recycling bin. Mickey and Funny explain to Daisy that recycling is for things that can be reused while the trash is for things that can't.

Mickey and the gang then arrive at Hot Dog Lake, where Mayor McBeagle greets everyone. Crystal Clearwater arrives in her flying boat, but it gets stuck by something in the water before it arrives to deck. Funny, as a submarine, arrives and the gang climbs aboard. They go underwater to see a mountain of trash, preventing Clearwater's boat from moving. Funny uses his extending arms to pick up trash but they get stuck as well. After taking a wiggle break, Mickey and the gang exit Funny to clean up the trash manually. However, everyone except Donald gets caught in the trash pile. Donald takes plastic bags and uses the hose in his oxygen suit to inflate them in order to free his friends, Clearwater's boat, and Funny's arms. Clearwater then extends a vacuum under the water and the gang puts all the trash into the vacuum.

After everything is cleaned up, Clearwater gives Hot Dog Lake the award and Mickey proposes that every month Hot Dog Lake should have a cleanup. Mayor McBeagle and Clearwater wholeheartedly agree. Donald is also given Clearwater's hat, as an award for learning the importance of cleaning up your trash.



  • Hot Dog Hills appears in this episode.
  • This is the first time Mickey and friends do not go to another world.

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Mickey Mouse Funhouse logo
Mickey Mouse FunhouseMickey Mouse Funhouse, Volume 1
Season One: "Mickey the Brave!" • "Homesick/Goldfish Goofy!" • "Spaced Out!/Treasure, Ahoy!" • "Is There a Plumber in the House?!/A Fish Tale" • "Minnie Goes Ape!/Dino Doggies" • "Troll Trouble!/The Sunny Gulch Games!" • "Minnie's Big Delivery!/The Wandrin' Warbler!" • "Mickey and the Cornstalk!/King Mickey" • "Bottled Up!/Minnie's Fairy Tale!" • "Daisy & Goofy Clean Up!/Crayon World!" • "The Summer Snow Day/Sunny the Snowman" • "Maybe I'm A Maze/Land of the Lost... Socks" • "Crystal Clear Waters/The Big Funhouse Sleepover" • "Ducks Inn Trouble!/Polka Dots and Don'ts" • "The Mighty Goof!/Playtime in Crayon World" • "The Music of the Seasons/Mermaids to the Rescue" • "Festival of Heroes!/I Wander Where Warbler Went?" • "The Fantabulous Five (Plus One)!/Mickey Meets Rocket Mouse" • "Batteries Included/Mickey and Minnie: On Ice!" • "Rain, Rain, Go Away/Donald's Razzle Dazzle Deal!" • "Pirate Adventure" • "Daisy and the Muses/Keep on the Ball" • "Farfus' Family/The Adventure Parade" • "The Magic Mansion/Funny's Road Trip!" • "Fifty-Foot Pluto!/A Big Giant Problem!" • "Welcome To Giant Crab Island!/Ghosts Of Haunted Gulch"
Season Two: "The Enchanted Tea Party!/Unhappy Campers" • "Heroes Clean Up!/Dino Duck" • "Finding Treasure!/Witchy Worries" • "Clarabelle's Pie Day/Minnie's New Puppy" • "Curse of the Crusty Clam!/Dream a Little Dream" • "Seas the Day!/Play Nice!" • "Rescuing the Rutabaga Ruby/Goofy Doesn't Like It!" • "Tooth or Consequences!/The Heroic Games" • "Birds of a Feather/Salty vs. Pepper" • "Just Plane Quackers/Frannie Takes Flight!" • "No Thrills, Please!/Space Doggies" • "Ready to Play, Ruthie!/Goofy Dogs!" • "3:10 to Rocky Road/Please and Thank You" • "HALT, Tiger!/You Gotta Be Kitten Me!" • "King Ludwig's Day Off/No Horsing Around" • "The Kooky Paleontologist!/That's My Jam!" • "Dino See, Dino Do/Pete the Mighty Baby!" • "For Pete's Sake!/Minnie Golf" • "No Bear Hugs/Where's Funny?" • "Cora the Pirate Crab!/The Curious Case of the Kooky Scientist" • "Stink, Stank, Stunk!/Día de los Muertos" • "Mayor Franken-Pete's Very Bad Day/The Lost Party Rings" • "Mickey's Sky-High Birthday!/The What About Me Birthday" • "Minnie's Snow Ball!/The Snow Princess" • "Santa's Crash Landing" • "There’s Something About Teddy/Finders Keepers?" • "Majestica’s New Troubadour!/Minnie’s Pod Mod" • "Low-Key Coqui/Pinky And The Bees" • "Crystal Clearwater Vs. The Annoying Algae/Trolland’s Big Adventure!"
Season Three: "Chickie Boo-Boo, Where Are You?/Playground Heroes!" • "The Trail Less Traveled/Vardavar!" • "Daisy and the Missing Dream/Daisy's Big Picture" • "Goofy Foot Grommet/The Enchanted Rescue" • "Saving Major Green!/Minnie Safari" • "Fun-A-Palooza!/Missing Buttons and Bows" • "Goofy's Birthday...in Space!" • "Windy's Good Deed Days/Can I Borrow Ducky-Doo?" • "The Dino-Opolis 500/Dino Disco!" • "Happy Campers" • "The Giant and the Goof/Call Me Cora!" • "Donald vs. the Starcade/Whose Treasure Is It?" • "Daisy Overdoes It/The Good, the Glad and the Goofy" • "This Cat Doesn't Swim/Funhouse-made Costumes" • "Daisy's Dilemma/The Good Luck Moon" • "One More Thing?/On a Dark and Stormy Night" • "Warbler Get Your Geetar!/The Littlest Striker" • "Let's Have Fun, Fun, Fun!/Copycat Pete!" • "The Winter Mountain Art Show/Hear Ye! Hear Ye!" • "Nochebuena At The Funhouse/Hanukkah At Hilda's" • "Quiet Ness/Happy Pal-Entine's Day!"
Mickey MouseMinnie MouseDonald DuckDaisy DuckGoofyPlutoFunnyTeddyWindy WeathervaneChip and DalePeteLudwig Von DrakeClarabelle CowCuckoo-LocaThe Weasel Trio (Wheezelene, Cheezel, and Sneezel) • Horace HorsecollarFigaroWillie the GiantAnnie the GiantMortimer MouseMartian MickeyMartian MinnieYetiFarfus the DragonWanda Warbler
Mickey Mouse Funhouse ThemeUp the Stairs to AnywhereThe Wiggle Giggle SongIt's Work to be a KingStretch BreakWon't Go Wanderin'Farfus the DragonWonderful UniverseMaybe If We Make It FunBetter Together