D.I.Y. Duck is a 2024 animated short produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios that commemorates the 90th anniversary of Donald Duck's debut. It released on June 9, 2024 on Disney+, Walt Disney Animation Studios' YouTube channel, Disney Channel and Freeform.
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This short finds Donald trying his hand at some home repairs which begin with the replacement of a lightbulb and quickly turn into a series of comic catastrophes. His temper flares and his frustration grows as things spiral out of control and lead to an explosive finale.
- Clarence Nash (archival recording) as Donald Duck
- In this short, Donald Duck retains his classic look from the late-1940s cartoons, most notably the lack of buttons on his blue sailor suit and the black bow-tie.
- This is Mark Henn's final project before his retirement back in 2023.
- This is the first Donald Duck short since The Litterbug (1961).
- The short pays tribute to Donald Duck's original voice actor Clarence Nash.
- The short also features several different archival recordings of music scores from different Disney shorts and films, with the majority coming from the classic Donald Duck shorts.
- Polar Trappers: original score composed by Paul Smith.
- Sleeping Beauty: original score composed by George Bruns.
- Original score composed by Oliver Wallace.