"Dark Moon" is a song written by Ned Miller and originally performed by the country music singer Bonnie Guitar in 1957, before becoming popular in other different musical formats. The original version of the song is heard during the ending credits of the third episode ("Lamentis") of the Loki series.
Dark moon, a way up high up in the sky
Oh, tell me why, oh, tell me why you've lost your splendor
Dark moon, what is the cause your light withdraws?
Is it because, is it because I've lost my love?
Mortals have dreams of love's perfect schemes
But they don't realize that love will sometimes bring a
Dark moon, a way up high up in the sky
Oh, tell me why, oh, tell me why you've lost your splendor
Dark moon, what is the cause your light withdraws?
Is it because, is it because I've lost my love?
Mortals have dreams of love's perfect schemes
But they don't realize that love will sometimes bring a
Dark moon, a way up high up in the sky
Oh, tell me why, oh, tell me why you've lost your splendor
Dark moon, what is the cause your light withdraws?
Is it because, is it because I've lost my love?