Delivery Man is a 2013 American comedy-drama film directed by Ken Scott, produced by DreamWorks Pictures, and starring Vince Vaughn, Chris Pratt, and Cobie Smulders. The film was released by Touchstone Pictures on November 22, 2013. It is a remake of Scott's 2011 French-Canadian film, Starbuck.
David Wozniak is a hapless deliveryman for his family's butcher shop, pursued by thugs to whom he owes $80,000. His girlfriend Emma is pregnant with his child. One day, David returns from work to find a lawyer representing a sperm bank (where he gave 693 donations and earned a sum of $24,255 during his student years) who tells him he had fathered 533 children. Of those, 142 have joined a class action lawsuit to force the fertility clinic to reveal the identity of "Starbuck", the alias he had used.
David's friend and lawyer Brett represents him as he tries to keep the records sealed. He provides David with profiles of each party to the lawsuit: David stalks them, finding moments for random acts of kindness. David considers identifying himself, but after the thugs assault his father, he agrees with his lawyer to counter-sue the sperm bank for punitive damages. He wins the lawsuit: he receives $200,000 and keeps his identity a secret.
David has regrets and thinks about revealing his identity. However, if he chooses to do so, he would lose the $200,000 that was won in the countersuit. He reveals to his father that he is Starbuck. His father decides to pay off David's debt. David finally reveals his identity on Facebook. He goes to Emma's house and finds that she is going into premature labor. At the hospital, his baby is born, he proposes to Emma, and many of the children show up to see him.
- Vince Vaughn as David Wozniak
- Chris Pratt as Brett
- Cobie Smulders as Emma
- Andrzej Blumenfeld as Mikolaj Wozniak
- Simon Delaney as Victor
- Bobby Moynihan as Aleksy
- Dave Patten as Adam
- Adam Chanler-Berat as Viggo
- Britt Robertson as Kristen
- Jack Reynor as Josh
- Madison McGrew as Rachel
- Matthew Daddario as Channing
- Jessica Williams as Tanya
Talk show hosts Jay Leno and Bill Maher have cameo appearances as themselves.