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Denise King is a supporting character who appears in the 2022 Disney+ original film Sneakerella.


Denise is the mother of Kira King and Liv King as well as being the wife of Darius King, a sneaker tycoon who is a former basketball player. She also shows a motherly personality to her daughter Kira, occasionally telling her to trust herself, even with a bad experience she had earlier such as the case when she and her father rebuked El for claiming himself to be a sneaker designer. However, despite this, she even realized El's good intentions during the Sneakercon event at the King6 store.

Role in the film[]

Denise is first seen approaching her daughter who arrives home, where her daughter Kira recaps that she was in line to get a pair of shoes at a shoe store just before Liv recaps that she asked her sister Kira to test out the prototype for the Sleeks. As Darius goes into a private conversation with Liv, Denise discusses with Kira who tells her family about the Sleeks, planning to find someone fresh and that her opinion should count on something. Kira tells her family about the Sleeks, planning to find someone fresh and that her opinion should count on something, to which during the conversation, Denise's husband Darius allows Kira to give her a try, making her happy so that she can get ready for the gala.

Later, Denise hosts the gala at the King6 building along with her husband who gives a presentation to the attendees. As the clock strikes midnight, Denise and her family approach Kira who finds El missing sneaker. The following day, Kira's mother approaches her daughter in bed, telling her it is Game Day, which Kira refuses, feeling miserable about El's bad reputation just as Denise tells her daughter to trust herself just before she tells Kira to go downstairs for breakfast. Denise is later seen attending the Sneakercon event where she watches her husband perform a rap number, just before El convinces Darius about the trouble he had earlier, telling him to clear out his bad reputation. She later appears feeling impressed after her husband declares El his sneaker designer after convincing him about his good intentions.

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Sneakerella Logo
Sneakerella (soundtrack)
El MoralesKira KingSamiGustavoTreyZellyStacyDarius KingLiv KingDenise KingRosie MoralesMrs. Singh
New York CityEl-evateKing6
KicksBest EverIn Your ShoesWork UpLife is What You Make ItA Dream Is a Wish Your Heart MakesPerfect FitShut It DownFinaleFly Higher