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"Diamonds Are for Baseball" is an episode of Special Agent Oso.


Wolfie is training Oso how to drive down an alleyway on two wheels when a special report is called in. A boy named Adam is unsure of how to hit a baseball off a tee. So it's up to Oso to show him how before Heather and her friends, including Mariah, return.


  • The episode's title is a reference to the James Bond film Diamonds Are Forever.
  • In this episode, Oso does not say, "Say!" and "...in my training exercise.". Instead, he says, "That's what I need to do when I'm trying to drive my car on two wheels!".


v - e - d
Special Agent Oso ā€¢ Three Healthy Steps
Oso ā€¢ Mr. Dos ā€¢ Paw Pilot ā€¢ Dotty ā€¢ Wolfie ā€¢ Whirlybird ā€¢ R.R. Rapide ā€¢ Buffo ā€¢ Vapeur ā€¢ Musa

Guest Characters: Manny ā€¢ Pat ā€¢ Turner ā€¢ Felipe ā€¢ Dusty ā€¢ Squeeze ā€¢ Stretch ā€¢ Rusty ā€¢ Flicker ā€¢ Kelly

Season One: "To Grandma with Love / Gold Flower" ā€¢ "License to Clean / On Her Cousin's Special Salad" ā€¢ "A View to a Book / Diamonds Are for Kites" ā€¢ "The Living Flashlight / Sandcastle Royale" ā€¢ "Goldfeather / Live and Let Ride" ā€¢ "Three Wheels Are Not Enough / A Zoo to a Thrill" ā€¢ "The Boy with the Golden Gift / Birthdays Are Forever" ā€¢ "Carousel Royale / Leaf Raker" ā€¢ "Octo-Puzzle / One Suitcase is Now Enough" ā€¢ "Live and Jump Rope / A View to a Kitten" ā€¢ "Nobody Draws it Better / Thunderbubble" ā€¢ "For Your Ice Only / Coldfingers" ā€¢ "Tie Another Day / You Only Start Preschool Once" ā€¢ "For Your Pies Only / The Plates Are Not Enough" ā€¢ "Recycling is Forever / Goldswinger" ā€¢ "Thunder Berries / Flowers Are Forever" ā€¢ "License to Chill / GoldenFly" ā€¢ "For Your Nice Bunny / For Pancakes with Love" ā€¢ "Never Say No Brushing Again / The Girl with the Golden Book" ā€¢ "Hopscotch Royale / Goldringer" ā€¢ "Hide Another Day / Live and Let Dry" ā€¢ "The Girl Who Cheered Me / License to Twirl" ā€¢ "For Show and Tell Only / Piggy Bank Royale" ā€¢ "Dr. Off / License to Dress"

Season Two: "Quantum of Sandwich / Thunder Muffin" ā€¢ "Dr. Go / For Your Bed Only" ā€¢ "Another Way to Fly / A View to a Ball" ā€¢ "From China with Love / Thunderbasket" ā€¢ "Goldscooter / The Boy with the Coloring Crayons" ā€¢ "Goldputter / Live and Leaf Rub" ā€¢ "Dr. Juice / For Your Nose Only" ā€¢ "The Man with the Golden Retriever / The Chairs Are Not Enough" ā€¢ "Colors Royale / Cleanfingers" ā€¢ "A View to a Mask / Pumpkin Eyes" ā€¢ "The Living Holiday Lights" ā€¢ "For Angels with Snow / Dr. Snow" ā€¢ "License to Sled / Snowflakes Are Forever" ā€¢ "Dr. Throw / Nobody Plays "it" Better" ā€¢ "On Old MacDonald's Special Song / Snapfingers" ā€¢ "Quantum of Sauce / The Girl with the Folded Clothes" ā€¢ "Greenfinger / For Sleepy Eyes Only" ā€¢ "Live and Let Heal / GoldenFish" ā€¢ "For Tamales with Love / PiƱata Royale" ā€¢ "Lost and Get Found / A View to the Truth" ā€¢ "License to Order / Table Manners Are Forever" ā€¢ "A View to a Fire Drill / Thunderbelt" ā€¢ "License to Cheer Up / You Only Vote Once" ā€¢ "Quantum of Celery / Drink Another Day" ā€¢ "Dye Another Egg / Dr. Skip" ā€¢ "For Your Hands Only / Thunderbeam" ā€¢ "Best Friends Are Forever / For School Days Only" ā€¢ "A View to a Goal / Sweep Another Day" ā€¢ "Freeze Dance Royale / The Boy with the Cardboard Fort" ā€¢ "Goldfanner / Connect Another Dot" ā€¢ "License to Share / Live and Be Polite" ā€¢ "The Manny with the Golden Bear" ā€¢ "Sock Puppet Royale / Costume of Solace" ā€¢ "Diamonds Are for Baseball / Tomorrow Never Ducks" ā€¢ "The Sitter Who Watched Me / Potty Royale" ā€¢ "Thundersmall"

Special Agent Oso (theme) ā€¢ Three Special Steps ā€¢ Paw Pilot Codename Backdrops ā€¢ Hop Up, Jump In ā€¢ We Work Together