"Dining Goofy" is the thirty-sixth episode of House of Mouse. It originally aired on Toon Disney as part of the "Night of a Thousand Toons" marathon on September 2, 2002.
Goofy has nothing to do when his head-waiter duties are given to automated touch-screen computers and headset-wearing penguins, so he decides to help out everyone else with their jobs... with disastrous results.
Featured cartoons[]
- Mickey's Answering Service
- Von Drake's House of Genius: Remote Controlled Laser Lawnmower
- computer.don
The next time you're planning a big to do, try: "Matre d' by Goofy"
Closing line[]
"That's all for today. We'll be serving up more fun next time. So long!"
- This is the only episode where Tod and Copper from The Fox and the Hound and Wilhelmina Packard from Atlantis: The Lost Empire appear.