The Disney Legacy Animated Film Collection is a limited-edition Blu-ray box set that contains 100 animated films produced by Disney, Walt Disney Animation Studios, and Pixar. The collection was released on November 14, 2023, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Disney animation. It is divided into three volumes, each containing a storybook-style presentation of the films, with original poster art, release years, and character quotes. The collection also includes digital codes for each film, a lithograph poster for Disney's upcoming film Wish, a numbered certificate of authenticity, and a crystal Mickey Mouse ears cap engraved with the "Disney 100" logo.
The collection features a wide range of classic and contemporary animated films, from the first Disney feature Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) to the latest Pixar film Elemental (2023). It also includes films from Disneytoon Studios, such as Tinker Bell (2008) and Planes (2013), as well as films produced outside any of the Disney animation studios, such as The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993), James and the Giant Peach (1996) and Frankenweenie (2012). The collection covers various genres, styles, and themes of animation, showcasing the artistic and technological evolution of Disney animation over the past century. To keep things on the level, this collection completely omits the direct-to-video sequels.
The Disney Legacy Animated Film Collection is a rare and valuable item for Disney fans and collectors, as it contains some of the most beloved and influential animated films of all time. The collection has a retail price of $1,500 and is available exclusively at It is expected to sell out quickly, as it is a limited-edition product with only 10,000 copies made. The collection is a testament to the legacy and impact of Disney animation on the history and culture of cinema and entertainment.
The full list of included films is below: