"Donald's Pumbaa Prank" is the eleventh episode of House of Mouse. It originally aired on ABC on March 31, 2001.
The episode begins with Mickey slipping onstage because of some wax Donald planted earlier as an April Fools prank. In retaliation, Mickey plays Donald's first screen test, much to the duck's humiliation as everyone, including Grumpy, laughs. Pete witnesses this and convinces a reluctant Donald to get back at Mickey with an even bigger prank, which unbeknownst to Donald, will actually shut down the House of Mouse. While Timon and Pumbaa are dining on bugs, Donald distracts Timon while Pete swipes Pumbaa. After Timon realizes Pumbaa is missing, he proceeds to search for him while Mickey puts on an April Fools cartoon.
While Timon is turning the whole club inside-out to find Pumbaa, Donald finds Mickey looking at something in a briefcase, which he assumes is another prank. Mickey assures Donald it is not a prank, but rather an apology/surprise. Timon finds Minnie and has her help him find Pumbaa. Cut to the roof, where Pete is force-feeding Pumbaa stinkbugs to have him release a voluminous fart to stink everyone out of the club. Later, Mickey secretly reveals to Goofy his surprise for Donald: the very first House of Mouse Lifetime Achievement Award, which Mickey believes is something Donald worked very hard for. Donald finds out and, having a change of heart, tries telling Pete to cancel the prank, to which Pete refuses. In the spirit of Donald, Mickey later puts on another cartoon.
After the cartoon, Mickey prepares a speech while handing Donald his trophy, when the duck decides to personally stop Pete's prank. Donald rescues Pumbaa from the rooftop, but before Mickey gives Donald his award, the warthog accidentally reveals Donald's and Pete's plan to stink out the club. Pumbaa then tells Timon that he has a "rumbly in my tumbly" before Donald saves the club by quickly taking the warthog outside, where he releases a possibly lethal amount of gas. Mickey proceeds to throw Pete out of the club, much to Pete's dismay as he lands in Pumbaa's gas cloud. Donald apologizes and Mickey gives him his trophy. The episode ends with Mickey showing everyone Donald's first screen test again, causing the duck to angrily chase the mouse offstage.
Featured cartoons[]
Running gags[]
Episode introduction | "There's no foolin'... it's time for Disney's House of Mouse!" |
Mickey introduction | "And now, Mickey Mouse!" |
Sponsor | House of Mouse's fresh smelling air courtesy of: Flowers & Trees." |
- After the "Whitewater Donald" cartoon we hear the same arrangement of the Donald Duck theme song from The Stolen Cartoons.
- Pete's line, "I would've done it too, if it weren't for that meddling duck!" is a reference to a phrase associated with the villains from Scooby-Doo.
- When this episode aired on Disney Cinemagic UK, the scene from the Mickey Mouse Works cartoon "Mickey's April Fools" where Mickey tricks Mortimer into thinking he accidentally killed him was cut, yet all the later references to Mickey supposedly being dead were left in, resulting in the scene in question making no sense.