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You've come to die. Your world is now my world. Like all other worlds.
―Dormammu to Doctor Strange

Dormammu is an immortal being in Marvel Comics who appears in the 2016 Marvel Studios film Doctor Strange. He exists in a realm called the Dark Dimension.

Dormammu was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko.


Marvel Animation

Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.

Dormammu and his army of Mindless Ones attempted to break through the barrier between Earth and the Dark Dimension. He caught Doctor Strange, but lost in a battle between him and Doctor Strange, A-Bomb and Hulk. He instead hid in Doctor Strange's amulet and escaped in to the real world but was defeated by the Agents of S.M.A.S.H., the house and Doctor Strange. Dormammu is considered to be one of Dr. Strange's toughest enemies. On Halloween, the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. encounter Nick Fury's Howling Commandos (consisting of Blade, Frankenstein's Monster, Man-Thing, N'Kantu, the Living Mummy, and Werewolf by Night) where they have been sent by Fury to apprehend the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. However, the Howling Commandos have a change of plans when they end up helping the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. prevent Dormammu from breaking into Earth's dimension and turning all of humanity into Mindless Ones.

Ultimate Spider-Man

Dormammu placed a spell upon the superhero Cloak to take control of him. With Cloak at his command, he used his teleportation powers to capture various mystics to be placed under his control. After kidnapping White Tiger and Iron Fist, he had Cloak capture Doctor Strange and confiscated a crystal called the Siege Perilous from Strange to open a portal strong enough to enable his army passage to Earth, and subsequently had them all placed under his control. However, his plan is hampered when Spider-Man and Cloak's partner Dagger free Cloak from the spell and eventually White Tiger and Iron Fist.

Unfazed by this turn of events and with the Siege Perilous fully charged, Dormammu has Doctor Strange aid him against extinguishing the heroes which proves fruitless for the heroes due to Dormammu's nigh invulnerability in the Dark Dimension. However, Cloak and Dagger manage to break the control over Doctor Strange who is able to injure Dormammu as the group escapes with the Siege Perilous in hand. When the group tries to escape through Cloak, Dormammu halts Cloak and uses him to enter Earth. But just as he arrives, Dormammu is rendered vulnerable and is banished back to the Dark Dimension by the combined powers of Spider-Man and Doctor Strange.

Avengers Assemble

Due to the effects that the Infinity Gems are having on reality, Dormammu and the Mindless Ones emerge from a portal to the Dark Dimension causing the Avengers and Doctor Strange to fight them. Dormammu and the Mindless Ones are repelled by Black Widow using the powers of four Infinity Stones, namely Time Stone, Space Stone, Mind Stone, and Reality Stone.

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Doctor Strange

Dormammu (The Multiverse Promo)

Dormammu, as he appears in Doctor Strange

Dormammu appears as the primordial ruler presiding over the Dark Dimension. Desiring to conquer the Mutiverse, Dormammu seduces Kaecilius with promises of immortality, causing the Zealot to turn on the other Masters of the Mystic Arts. Kaecilius then began to make the preparations to bring his new master to Earth.

After bringing destruction to two of the Sanctums that kept the dark forces at bay, Dormammu begins to absorb Earth into the Dark Dimension. However, as he does this, Doctor Strange slips into his realm and confronts him, offering a bargain. Dormammu, angered by this intrusion, promptly kills Strange. However, using the Time Stone in the Eye of Agomotto, Strange creates an infinite loop where Dormammu would be forced to kill Strange again and again for eternity, with the entity unable to do anything else.

As the cycle repeats itself multiple times, Dormammu becomes desperate to escape it, and begs Strange to set him free. Strange agrees, on the condition that Dormammu leaves the Earth and takes Kaecilius and his Zealots with him. Dormammu accepts this and keeps his word, and seals the connection between the two dimensions.

What If...?

Dormammu appears in the series in the episode "What If... Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?", in a world where Stephen Strange kept using the time stone to prevent his lover Christine Palmer from dying, instead of injuring his hands from a car accident. Dormammu was confronted by Doctor Strange to stop him from merging the Dark Dimension with Earth, with Strange eventually succeeding and defeating Dormammu. Dormammu was eventually killed when Strange attempted to undo an Absolute Point in time.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

While Dormammu doesn't actually appear in the film, his niece Clea comes from the Dark Dimension to confront Doctor Strange for his actions with causing an incursion within the multiverse. Clea opens the portal to the Dark Dimension where her uncle lives, to fix the incursion.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Dormammu.

External links

v - e - d
Doctor Strange gold logo
Doctor Strange (video/soundtrack) • Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (video/soundtrack) • Doctor Strange 3Marvel Studios: Assembled
Disney Parks
Doctor Strange: Journey into the Mystic ArtsMarvel Heroes UniteMarvel's Mission: Dimensions of DangerDisney Movie Magic
Dr. Stephen StrangeDormammuKarl MordoChristine PalmerWongKaeciliusAncient OneTina MinoruThor OdinsonScarlet WitchAmerica ChavezRintrahBilly MaximoffTommy MaximoffSara WolfeProfessor XPeggy Carter/Captain CarterMaria Rambeau/Captain MarvelMr. Fantastic/Mr. FantasticBlack BoltClea
New York SanctumNew York CityNepalQuantum RealmDark DimensionLondonWestviewHong KongKamar Taj
See Also
MagicDark MagicEye of AgamottoVibraniumX-Men ThemeCloak of LevitationUltron SentriesBlip

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Ultimate Spider-Man (TV series) logo
Ultimate Spider-Man
Heroes: Spider-ManPower ManIron FistSquirrel GirlWhite TigerNick FurySam AlexanderHawkeyeAmadeus ChoHulkSpider-Man (Miles Morales)Spider-GirlSpider-GwenBlack WidowIron ManCaptain AmericaCloak and DaggerMoon KnightWolverineDoctor StrangeStar-LordBladeSpider-HamGrootGamoraThor OdinsonDeadpoolThingEchoMadame WebScarlet SpiderSpider-Man 2099Spider-SlayersSkaarSpider-Man NoirShe-HulkSam WilsonSpyder-Knight

Villains: Green GoblinMan-WolfSteel SpiderSymbioteCrossbonesBeetleDoctor OctopusVultureScorpionShockerRhinoLizardSandmanHammerheadKravenBlizzardAbsorbing ManArnim ZolaVenomMysterioElectroMolten ManWhirlwindUlysses KlaueLoki LaufeysonMorgan le FayWolf SpiderSabretoothAbomination
Other characters: Flash ThompsonAunt MayBen ParkerJ. Jonah JamesonPhil CoulsonMary Jane WatsonHarry OsbornGeorge StacyRio MoralesH.E.R.B.I.E.
Guest characters: Jessie PrescottEmma RossLuke RossRavi RossZuri RossMrs. Kipling

Season One: "Great Power" • "Great Responsibility" • "Doomed"

Season Three: "The Next Iron Spider" • "Halloween Night at the Museum"
Season Four: "Hydra Attacks" • "Iron Vulture" • "Lizards" • "Double Agent Venom" • "Beached" • "Return to the Spider-Verse" • "Spider Slayers" • "The Moon Knight Before Christmas" • "Graduation Day"

AvengersStark IndustriesHYDRAS.H.I.E.L.D.Howling CommandosInhumansFantastic FourWeb-WarriorsX-Men
See Also
Web-ShootersIron Man's armorPumpkin BombsCaptain America's ShieldVibraniumMilanoMutants

v - e - d
Avengers Assemble Logo
Avengers Assemble
Disney Parks
Avengers Assemble: Flight ForceIt's a Small World with Groot
Heroes: Iron ManCaptain AmericaHulkBlack WidowHawkeyeThor OdinsonCaptain MarvelSpider-ManFalconRed HulkWolverineIron FistMr. FantasticThe ThingPunisherStar-LordGamoraRocket RaccoonDrax the DestroyerGrootScott LangVisionBlack PantherBucky BarnesDoctor StrangeCrystal AmaquelinBlack BoltMoon KnightInfernoBeetleSongbirdTechnoAtlasMeteoriteRed GuardianDarkstarRadioactive ManUrsa MajorMs. MarvelDevil Dinosaur

Villains: Red SkullM.O.D.O.K.AbominationLoki LaufeysonUltronWhiplashLeaderDoctor DoomNighthawkDoctor SpectrumPower PrincessSpeed DemonSuper-AdaptoidDestroyerGrim ReaperCrimson DynamoTaskmasterKraven the HunterBaron StruckerGalactusThanosEnchantressBaron ZemoSurturMorgan le FayBlack Widow IIVultureGhostDormammuDraculaUltimoSupergiantThe BeyonderTitania
Other Characters: Nick FuryMaria HillJane FosterJ.A.R.V.I.S.Odin BorsonJ. Jonah JamesonHunter the White Wolf

Season One: "The Avengers Protocol" • "Ghost of a Chance" • "Guardians and Space Knights"

Season Two: "Thanos Rising" • "Crack in the System"
Season Three: "The Ultimates" • "Into the Future" • "Seeing Double"
Season Four: "Why I Hate Halloween" • "The Once and Future Kang" • "New Year's Resolution"
Season Five: "The Panther and the Wolf" • "The Night Has Wings" • "The Good Son" • "The Vibranium Curtain" • "Yemandi" • "Bashenga" • "King Breaker"

AvengersS.H.I.E.L.D.HYDRAA.I.M.Roxxon CorporationGuardians of the GalaxyMasters of Evil
Avengers TowerNew Avengers FacilityNew York CityWakandaHong Kong
Captain America's ShieldEye of AgamottoEXO-7 FalconWidow's BiteInfinity StonesInfinity GauntletIron Man armorPym ParticlesMjölnirKamala's Bangle
See Also
S.H.I.E.L.D. HelicarrierKree