"Double Troubled" is the second segment of the third episode of Zombies: The Re-Animated Series. It first premiered on June 29, 2024 alongside "These Boots Were Made for Willa" on Disney+ before making its Disney Channel premiere on July 6, 2024.
Zed and Addison's clones turn on them and try to steal their lives.
- Milo Manheim as Zed Necrodopolis, Zed clone
- Meg Donnelly as Addison Wells, Addison clone
- Kylee Russell as Eliza Zambi, Eliza clone
- The title references the phrase "Double Trouble".
- Addison recalls the events that occurred in short "I Think We're a Clone Now".
- Addison also breaks the fourth wall, briefly looking towards the audience.
International premieres[]
External links[]
- Double Troubled on the Zombies Wiki