Edward Dillinger, Jr. is a minor character in the Disney 2010 live-action film Tron: Legacy, which is a sequel to the 1982 film Tron. Edward is the son of the programmer and former ENCOM Senior Executive Ed Dillinger. In 2010, he is a board member at ENCOM, and has taken over the development of ENCOM OS 12, formerly known as Flynn OS.
Tron: Legacy[]
On the eve of the launch of ENCOM OS 12, Edward was among the other ENCOM members of the board when Sam Flynn stole into the ENCOM Tower and hacked into ENCOM's servers. Edward was quick to see something was wrong when a movie clip of Flynn's dog began playing during a screen presentation and was among the first to react. Although he was the one who entered in the kill command to stop the clip from playing, he was unable to prevent the data leak and retired off-screen after calmly suggesting that the pirate hack should be portrayed as an act of generosity from ENCOM to the public.
Tron: The Next Day[]
He is mentioned in Tron: The Next Day when Roy Kleinberg asked Alan Bradley about whether they should keep him in the company. Alan says he will stay having earned his place.
Behind the scenes[]
Edward Dillinger, Jr. is portrayed in Tron: Legacy by Irish actor Cillian Murphy in an uncredited role. Murphy was later added to the cast list for the third Tron film Tron: Ares, though he later left the project and was replaced by Evan Peters playing a new Dillinger.
A teaser scene featuring Dillinger Jr., and a second ambiguous character has been produced together with Tron: The Next Day and is an "Easter egg" on the US Blu-ray release of Tron: Legacy. The second ambiguous character (with the username MCTRL_751) is either Ed Dillinger, Sr. or a new version of the Master Control Program. The former is probably more likely to be true, as Dillinger Jr. refers to the ambiguous character as "Dad".