Disney's Electric Holiday is a 2012 animated short starring Minnie Mouse. The short is a collaboration between The Walt Disney Company and the Barney's New York fashion industry. Along with Minnie, it co-stars a cast of iconic Disney characters and world renowned fashion designers, models, and more.
After seeing a beautiful dress in the window, Minnie dreams of herself in Paris, France where she is a popular fashionista on her way to her next runway, where she struts down wearing the dress from the window. After she wakes from her dream, Mickey arrives and has revealed to have bought the dress as a gift for Minnie, much to her absolute delight.
Disney characters[]
Fashion icons[]
- In Minnie's daydream, during the fashion show scene, Mickey is wearing a shirt by fashion designer Alexander Wang. The shirt says "Join a Weird Trip" and depicts the death mask of Tutankhamun, based on the Nemes headdress. This shirt has been worn by Justin Bieber.
- There is no dialogue in the short.