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Emily Bear is Fozzie Bear's mother. She debuted in episode 216 of The Muppet Show, where she sat in the Muppet Theater audience. Fozzie insinuated himself into all the acts that evening, but when he looked out into the audience at the end of the show, he found that his mother fell asleep.

She later joined her son in episode 410, where she danced as Mother Brown in the UK Skit "Knees Up Mother Brown." She's also mentioned in episode 503, standing off-stage (unseen) during Fozzie's comedy act.

Ma Bear later went on to play a key role in A Muppet Family Christmas (which took place in her farmhouse) and was also prominent in The Muppets at Walt Disney World. Her last appearance to date was portraying Fozziewig's mother in The Muppet Christmas Carol. However, a picture of her and her son can be seen in Muppets from Space.

A younger version, known as Mrs. Bear, was seen in the Muppet Kids books Fozzie's Last Lap and Fozzie Bear, Star Helper.

Her extended family includes her younger son, Freddie; her brother (or brother-in-law) who left Fozzie his car when he hibernated; her father (or father-in-law), who played baseball with Fozzie; her nephew, who watches Fozzie's comedy act; and her husband Mr. Bear. She is also good friends with Statler and Waldorf, whom she invited to her house for Christmas and later invited them along when she went to Walt Disney World with Fozzie and his friends.

Ma Bear's influence is present in Fozzie's life, even when she's unseen. She taught her son to always wash his hands after using the bathroom, even when using invisibility spray. In "The Muppets Stocking Stuffer Smorgasbord," Fozzie reveals that the Christmas sweater he is wearing was knitted by his mom. She made sweaters for everyone in Letters to Santa as a wrapped gift—two of them are seen in the special itself as Christmas gifts for Claire and her mom.

Though she does not physically appear in Muppets Most Wanted, she is mentioned in the end credits when her son Fozzie says "Movie's over, Ma. You can go home."

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