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Centuries ago, a great war was waged between good and evil, between Ninja and Sorcerer, too powerful to destroy. The Dark One was locked deep underground, his prison sealed with a sacred stone. In the darkness he waits, wreaking havoc, possessing the vulnerable using that which they hold most dear, amassing power from chaos. Once he gains enough power, he will escape and darkness will reign. Preventing this is the sacred duty of the Ninja.
―Excerpt from the NinjaNomicon

Stank is a form of dark magic used by the Sorcerer in the Disney XD series Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja. It appears as a concentrated, chaotic mist that transforms the vulnerable into violent, aggressive monsters.

Main Ability[]

The power of the Stank seems to come from Chaos Pearls, which are worn as a belt by the Sorcerer. The pearls are powered by those who are either weak-willed, brokenhearted, or are going through a moment of great emotional trauma. The Stank takes hold of that which a victim holds most dear. Whatever the victim holds dear can be an object, like a hat, an instrument or tool, but it can also be abstract, such as a relationship or losing a competition.

If enough victims become possessed by the Stank, the Sorcerer's Chaos Pearls will gain enough energy to release him from his prison under Norrisville High. It's revealed in "Sorcerer in Love" and "Randy Cunningham: 13th Century Ninja" that once freed, the Sorcerer is able to use Stank with free will to possess anyone he chooses.

The one way to revert Stanked victims back to normal is by destroying whatever the Stank has possessed objects or saying your sorry means apology, Like Randy as a ninja did apologize to Theresa in "Shloomp! There It Is!" and he confess to Bucky, Dave and Jacques, he was jealous to Howard in "True Bromance". Upon the victim reverting to normal, the Stank returns to the Sorcerer. The victims are unable to recall anything that happened while Stanked and more often than not are dazed and confused.

Other Uses[]

Types of Stank[]

  • Green - Used by the Sorcerer on a regular basis, mostly to turn vulnerable individuals into monsters. It is shown in the episode "McOne Armed and Dangerous" that the machine the Sorcerer uses to communicate with Hannibal McFist and Willem Viceroy is powered with green Stank, which burst from the machine to Stank McFist in the same episode.
  • Red - Used by the Sorcerer in "Raiders of the Lost Nomicon", this allows him to open or grab items he'd normally be unable to open far from his prison, although it requires a lot of power and concentration. It also acts as offensive magic and it is also the first time stank has required an incantation.
  • Yellow - Utilized by the Sorcerer in "Randy Cunningham and the Sorcerer's Key", it allows him to directly control whomever he Stanks. It's extremely complicated, as it takes 100 years to brew. This form of Stank also has the power to merge two or more people into one monster.
  • Blue - Utilized by the Sorcerer in "Unstank My Hart", this form of Stank builds up power in the victim to transform them into a more powerful monster later on. The unique trick to this Stank is that it works by granting heartbroken individuals their innermost desires, such as giving Levander Hart amazing guitar skills when he originally lacked them.
  • Pink - Normally used by the Sorceress, as seen in "Sorcerer in Love" and "Sorcerer in Love 2: The Sorceress' Revenge". It has the same effects as the Sorcerer's green Stank. However, instead of relying on only on emotional trauma she can use romantic feelings to manipulate her victim.




Stanked victims[]

External Links[]

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Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade NinjaPunchocalypseEnter the NinjaNomiconNinja SprintMonster Mayhem
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Villains: The SorcererThe Sorcerer's RatWillem ViceroyHannibal McFistCatfish BoorayJerry DriscollMac AntfeeThe SorceressTenguNomiRandyEvil JulianKrackenstein • Robo-Snake • Robo-Frog • Robo-Lizard • Slaying MantisPsycho-Bot • Disciplinarian • Franz NukidJack HammerChessbot 5000 • Chainsaw Werewolves • Snowman Robot • Elf Robots • RhinosaurusPunk-Bots • Monk-Bots • Robo-Hooligans • Armor-Dillo • McFist Product Bot • Polar Bear Bot • Shark-Dermanator • Whoopee 2.0 • Amp-Bots • Berserkers • Laser Tag Robots • Cowboy Bots • Assassin Bot • Robo-Hound • Destructo-Bot • P. A. L. • Queen Gabnidine • Blob Monster •

Season One: "Last Stall on the Left" • "Got Stank?" • "So U Think U Can Stank" • "McFists of Fury" • "Gossip Boy" • "House of 1,000 Boogers" • "Monster Dump" • "Attack of the Killer Potatoes" • "The Tale of the Golden Doctor's Note" • "Dawn of the Driscoll" • "Night of the Living McFizzles" • "Viva El Nomicon" • "30 Seconds to Math" • "Monster Drill" • "Silent Punch, Deadly Punch" • "Stank'd to the Future" • "Wave Slayers" • "Sword Quest" • "Nukid on the Block" • "Weinerman Up" • "Evil Spirit Week" • "Der Monster Klub" • "Grave Puncher: The Movie!" • "Escape from Detention Island" • "Bash Johnson: 11th Grade Ninja" • "Shoob Tube" • "Stanks Like Teen Spirit" • "Raiders of the Lost Nomicon" • "Rise of the Planet of the Robo-Apes" • "Secret Stache" • "Hip Hopocalypse Now" • "Ninja Camp" • "McFear Factor" • "Randy Cunningham and the Sorcerer's Key" • "The Ninja Identity" • "The Ninja Supremacy" • "Enter the Nomicon" • "Swampy Seconds" • "McSatchlé" • "Fart-Topia" • "The McHugger Games" • "McFreaks" • "Sorcerer in Love" • "Pranks for Nothing" • "Lucius O’Thunderpunch" • "Bring Me the Head of Ranginald Bagel!" • "Weinerman Tested, Cunningham Approved" • "Sorcerer in Love 2: The Sorceress' Revenge" • "McOne Armed and Dangerous" • "Shloomp! There It Is!" • "Randy Cunningham: 13th Century Ninja"

Season Two: "Flume-Igation" • "On the Poolfront" • "Welcome Back Catfish" • "All the Juice That's Fish to Swim" • "Julian's Birthday Surprise" • "True Bromance" • "Unstank My Hart" • "Whoopee 2: The Wrath of Whoopee 2" • "M-M-M-my Bologna" • "Everybody Ninj-along" • "Fudge Factory" • "Best Buds" • "Otto Know Better" • "Brolateral Damage" • "Let the Wonk One In" • "The Curse of Mudfart" • "Shoot First, Ask Questions Laser" • "Ninjception" • 'Happy Hanukkah, Howard Weinerman!" • "Snow-Klahoma!" • "Randy Cunningham's Day Off" • "Bro-ing Down the House" • "Living in Shooblivion" • "McNinja - Brought to You by McFist" • "Mastermind of Disastermind" • "The Brawn Also Rises" • "Debbie Meddle" • "Aplopalypse Now" • "Rorg: Hero of a Past" • "Mort-al Combat" • "Wonkin' for the Weekend" • "Ninjafan" • "When Howie Met Randy" • "Bro Money Bro Problems" • "The Three Mascot-teers" • "Escape from Scrap City" • "Space Cow-Bros" • "The Fresh Principal of Norrisville High" • "The Prophecy of Hat Sword" • "Fake Fight for Your Right to Party" • "McCluckerbusters" • "Let Them Eat Cake Fries" • "Club Ninja-dise" • "To Smell and Back" • "Big Trouble in Little Norrisville" • "Winner Takes Ball" • "Ball's Well That Friends Well"

NorrisvilleNorrisville High • Mt. Chuck • Lake LaRussoMcFist IndustriesWhoopee WorldGreg's Game HoleRandy Cunningham's House • Howard Weinerman's House • Flackville High • Detention IslandLand of ShadowsScrap City
NinjaNomiconNinja MaskNinja SuitNinja ScarfNinja Sword • Ninja Sai • Ninja Spikes • Ninja Rings • Ninja Ukulele • Smoke Bombs • Chain Sickle • Eskrima • Manrikigusari • Ninja BallsSkunk-Pine • Mood Juice • Sorcerer's KeyStankChaos PearlsEye of EternityMcSquiddles
What the Juice?Detention Deficit DisorderHis Name is CatfishSmart HowardThe Ninja of NorrisvilleNinjafan of NorrisvilleI Want it All (Big Shoppin')