Fire Birds, also known as Wings of the Apache, is a 1990 military action film directed by David Green and starring Nicolas Cage, Tommy Lee Jones, and Sean Young. The story was conceived by retired army men Step Tyner, John K. Swensson, and Dale Dye, the latter of whom has a role in the film.
Jake Preston is a helicopter pilot that, while under the command of Brad Little, must help take down a South American drug cartel.
- Nicolas Cage as CW2 Jake Preston
- Tommy Lee Jones as CW4 Brad Little
- Sean Young as Billie Lee Guthrie
- Bryan Kestner as Breaker
- Bert Rhine as Eric Stoller
- Dale Dye as Colonel A.K. McNeil
- Mary Ellen Trainor as Janet Little
- J.A. Preston as General Olcott
- Peter Onorati as Rice
- Scott Williamson as Scott 'Buzz'
- Richard Soto as Captain Tejada
- Gabriel López as Johny Signaleer
- Marshall R. Teague as DEA Agent Doug Daniels
- Cylk Cozart as Dewar Protor
- Illana Diamant as Sharon Geller
- The helicopter scenes were choreographed by Richard T. Stevens who worked on Top Gun. Ironically, this film was criticized for being too similar to that film.
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