"Fistful of Ice Cream" is the thirty-eighth episode of the first season of Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil.
Kick has to save his dad's birthday when the ice cream truck breaks down, and must prevent a group of 3rd Street Bandits from getting their hands on some extremely rare and delicious ice cream, the Cowboy Kelly Bars.
It's Harold Buttowski's birthday and it turns out to be the hottest day of the year in Mellowbrook. The guests have ordered Cowboy Kelly Ice Cream Bars but the truck breaks down when the motor melted, so Kick and Gunther decide to "save the party" by getting the ice cream truck and bringing it home along with the Cowboy Kelly Bars. But this also brings a confrontation with the 3rd Street Bandits who want to steal the ice cream so they have something fresh and cold to eat on a hot day. So it turns into a chase all the way home and they also chase through a mine until the bandits get the freezer. Having tricked the bandits, Kick had saved the Cowboy Kelly Bars and they head home to give his dad the ice cream bars. Unfortunately, by the time they get home, all of the ice cream bars are melted. Luckily, Kick manages to save one by keeping it under his helmet saying "It pays to keep a cool head". Meanwhile, Brad also tries to "save the party" by buying cold treats from the store. Then he starts talking to the checkout lady. He asks for something cool to eat on a hot day and then she gives him something. When Brad comes back everyone takes a bite and they figure out that Brad bought hot jalapeño pepper bars.
- This was first aired in Verizon FiOS On Demand.
- This is the only episode in the whole series that shows a member of the Buttowski Family celebrating their birthday (Harold in this case).
- Running gag: A cow "mooing" after someone creates a pun.