Flynn Lives is a fictional organization in Tron: Legacy, made up of activists trying to expose the truth of the 1989 disappearance of Kevin Flynn, and is at odds with Encom International. Flynn Lives is a central part of an alternate reality game viral marketing campaign for Tron: Legacy. The website is updated with "news" regarding new developments in the search for Flynn, and Tron fans can register to become members, and can even receive custom Encom employee badges by completing a puzzle game, which then allows access to the Encom employee intranet.
On the evening of April 2, 2010, as part of the continuing viral marketing campaign for the film, Encom International held a press conference at Justin Herman Plaza in San Francisco, hosted by Bruce Boxleitner in character as Encom executive Alan Bradley, to announce an online version of Space Paranoids, one of the video games designed by Kevin Flynn. The conference was crashed by Flynn Lives, and ended with Sam Flynn parachuting out of an Encom helicopter.
In the Tron universe, the Flynn Lives campaign was dissolved following Sam Flynn's takeover of ENCOM and the U.S. Justice Department's announcement that they were investigating the Flynn Lives campaign's alleged criminal activities. These events were chronicled in The Next Day, a short film that was exclusive to the Blu-Ray release of Tron: Legacy.
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