"Follow That Sea Monster!" is the first segment of the thirty-fifth episode of Spidey and his Amazing Friends. It premiered on December 16, 2022 alongside "It's Bad to be Gooed" and is the first segment of the tenth episode of the second season.
The Spidey Team and Reptil investigate rumors of a sea monster.
The episode begins with Peter, Gwen, and Miles exploring the aquarium with Isla, looking at different creatures. They are most interested in an octopus' ability to squirt ink to get away from predators. Suddenly, WEBSTER alerts the group of a sea monster sighting at the docks. While feeling skeptical, the team morphs into their Spider-forms and set off. At the docks, Team Spidey meets up with Reptil and the boat captain and an employee tell the heroes about a huge "sea monster" grabbed a crate full of valuable goods and set off.
When describing the sea monster, the captain mentions that it was the size of the boat and had 8 tentacles. Spin suggests it may have been Doc Ock, but Ghost points that Doc Ock is nowhere near the boat's size. The team finds ink where the crate originally was, and the captain says that the creature released it. Reptil transforms into a Plesiosaurus while Team Spidey put on their underwater suits to ride him. Underwater, they follow the trail of ink to Doc Ock piloting a machine that is shaped like an octopus, carrying the crate. Team Spidey and Reptil try to stop her, but she keeps squirting ink at them and escapes.
Ghost suggests splitting up and surrounding her, pointing out that she cannot squirt ink in multiple directions. They surround her, but Doc Ock squirts so much that even she cannot see. Her machine crashes to the bottom as it loses the floaties. She begins tumbling into a nearby ravine. Team Spidey and Reptil rescue her before webbing her up and take the crate. They return the crate to the captain, and he reveals it to be full of rubber ducks, much to Doc Ock's bitterness. The episode ends with Team Spidey returning to the aquarium, with Miles giving an octopus named Squirtie a high-five.
- Hoku Ramirez as Reptil
- This episode marks the second appearance of Reptil in the series.