Foo-Foo is a character in the Rhapsody in Blue, a segment from the 1999 animated film, Fantasia 2000. She is the pet dog of Killjoy Margaret.
Foo-Foo is as stuck up as her owner. Whenever Flying John becomes distracted, she also imitates Killjoy Margaret's anger much to Margaret's chagrin.
Fantasia 2000[]
Foo-foo is first seen leaving a hotel building along with her owner and Flying John. When John attempts to have fun, Margaret becomes enraged just as Foo-Foo growls at him. Later when John and Margaret pass by a peanut machine by playing with a nearby monkey, Foo-Foo and her owner continue walking to a pet store known as "Le Pampered Pooche" where Margaret buys many stuff for her pet dog, making John feel overwhelmed about the number of items accumulated. Foo-Foo and Margaret are last seen at the end of the segment where Margaret and John walk alongside together only for the dog and her owner to be caught by a construction hook pushed by a pipe during Jobless Joe's routine. Fortunately, John manages to join a jazz club much to Margaret's protests of telling Joe to get her off the hook.
- A running gag is when Margaret scolds John for her distractions, Foo-Foo angrily snarls at him.