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The Formless are the army of the The Skeleton King and are the primary antagonists during the first season of the Jetix show, Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!.

They do not speak or have any expressions, they're basically zombies made out of ooze that the Skeleton King commands at his will on his ship, the Citadel of Bone. On the ship, he keeps a tank of ooze that makes his army to which to send to Shuggazoom to attack it. The Formless are very stupid and not very powerful, but when a large group of them come together, they can make a giant formless monster to attack the city. When a formless is defeated, it will melt back into ooze. The formless are usually seen riding on motorcycles into the city.

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Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go logo
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!
Major Characters: Chiro TakashiAntauriGibsonNovaOttoSPRX-77

Allies: Jinmay RayfieldSun RidersMaster OffayPlanet QCaptain Shuggazoom
Villains: The Skeleton KingMandarinValeenaDark One WormGyrus KrinkleMaezonoCloggy Colon CreatureElevator MonsterFormlessTV MonsterSakkoScrappertonMaster ZanMa and Pa SheenkoDr. TakeuchiWigglenog
Others: ThingyMr. JeepersPrometheus Five

Season One: Chiro's GirlDepths of FearPlanetoid QMagnetic MenaceThe Sun RidersSecret of the Sixth MonkeyPit of DoomThingyFlytorA Man Called KrinkleApe New WorldCircus of OozeHidden Fortress
Season Two: Skeleton KingWorld of GiantsThe Lords of Soturix 7In the Grip of EvilVersus ChiroShadow Over ShuggazoomThe Sun Riders ReturnHunt for the Citadel of BoneSnowboundWonder Fun Meat WorldThe Skeleton King ThreatAntauri's MastersI, Chiro
Season Three: The Savage LandsSeason of the SkullA Ghost in the MachinderThe Stranded SevenGirl TroubleBrother in ArmsMonster Battle Club Now!Meet the WigglenogBig LugPrototypeWormholeBelly of the Beast
Season Four: Galactic Smash: Space AttackGalactic Smash: Game OverIncident on Ranger 7Invasion of the VreenGhosts of ShuggazoomEvil AgesNight of FearThe Hills Have FiveDemon of the DeepSecret SocietyGolden AgeObject of HateSoul of Evil
Super Robot