FreeKs is an Argentine musical drama television series created by Martín Deus and produced by Gloriamundi Producciones for Disney+. The series premiered on June 28, 2023, and consists of 13 episodes. It stars Guido Pennelli, Malena Ratner, Agustina Cabo, Julia Tozzi, Marcelo De Bellis, Julián Cerati, Alan Madanes, Pablo Turturiello, and Gastón Vietto.
The series follows the life of Gaspar (Pennelli), a talented musician and leader of the band FreeKs, who is accused by his friends of a crime he did not commit. This accusation has far-reaching consequences for Gaspar, who is determined to prove his innocence and get his former life back. Gaspar goes in search of the real culprit and does everything in his power to track him down. In the meantime, Gaspar has to watch his former band grow in popularity day by day. At the same time, he experiences how the remaining band members Ulises (Cerati), Ludovico (Madanes), Coco (Turturiello), and Juani (Vietto) deal with the overwhelming success and what the pressure and contradictions of fame do to them. During their musical or truth-finding journey, they all go through a development process in which they begin to question themselves in order to find out who they are, what their fears are, and who they ultimately want to be.
The series is described as "a story of rock, love, fame, and dreams betrayed". It features original songs composed by Fernando López Rossi and performed by the cast members. The series is filmed in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and features locations such as the Teatro Colón, the Obelisco, and the Plaza de Mayo.
The series has received positive reviews from critics and audiences, who praised its musical performances, its realistic portrayal of teenage issues, and its diverse cast of characters. The series has also been nominated for several awards, including the Premios Tato for Best Musical Series.