Gabe Hillman is a character from Marvel Comics, featured in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He makes his only appearance in the third episode of the Disney+ series, Ms. Marvel, and is portrayed by Jordan Preston Carter. Gabe Hillman is the younger brother of Tyesha.
Gabe Hillman was originally created by writer, G. Willow Wilson and artist, Nico Leon.
Marvel Cinematic Universe[]
Ms. Marvel[]
Gabe appears in the third episode, present at the Mehndi party, hosted at the Khan house. A traditional custom is to take a pair of the grooms shoes, but Gabe decides to hide all of them. When Aamir leaves his room to report that his shoes have been taken, the partygoers begin to laugh at Gabe's actions.
The day of the wedding arrives and the party is held at a venue. Everyone takes part in celebrations and Gabe participates in a Bollywood dance number, along with family, in a Hulk costume, created by Aamir's mother, Muneeba. They are later forced to exit the building, alongside the other partygoers, when the fire alarm is triggered.
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