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"Gekko and the Mayhem at the Museum" is the second segment of the fifteenth episode of PJ Masks. It premiered on January 29, 2016 alongside "Owlette and the Battling Headquarters".


Greg plans on building a model rocket at school today. But the building supplies have all gone missing. What's worse, the trip to the science museum has been cancelled due to lack of power. The PJ Masks discover that Romeo, the crazed scientist, plans to use his "Big Box of Bad" to claim the city and rename it in his honor!

Hero Revelation[]

Problems can be solved in more ways than one.


By day, Greg wants to build a very awesome model rocket ship, but all the supplies to build one is gone. Connor cheers Greg up about the trip to the science museum, but the teacher said that the trip was cancelled because there's no electricity. By night, it is revealed that Romeo wants to take over the town with his latest invention: The Big Box of Bad! Robot says that Romeo is going to rename the town "Romeoville" or "Romeopolis". Once Romeo said everything about Big Box of Bad, Gekko gets mad, but then he finds out that Romeo booby-trapped the entire museum. Gekko accidentally steps on a Spring Trap, then Catboy catches Gekko before he fell into the water at the fountain. Then Owlette catches Gekko and Catboy before they fell. Then Romeo went back inside. Romeo is inside, until he heard the ice cream truck sound (which is a trick made by the PJ Masks). Gekko suddenly pops up, then Romeo become so disappointed. Gekko steps into the same booby trap, but this time he attached to it because of his "Super Lizard Grip." Gekko stepped on another booby trap made by Romeo, but he fell for it. Then a massive ball fell, and Gekko run until it hits his Gekko-Mobile. Gekko gets steamed when the boulder crashes into his vehicle, but then Catboy thinks of something: stinky cheese. When Romeo finds out about the stinky cheese, he stinks up the PJ Masks with "super super stink". After a while, Romeo's Big Box of Bad is finally complete, and "Romeopolis" is born! Gekko figured out that there were more ways to solve a problem. Gekko said "It's time to be a hero!" and had a plan to distract Romeo from taking over the world. When Romeo went inside the museum, Robot comes to Romeo and told him that is lab was moving. Romeo was surprised because the lab battery is not charged, then he saw inside Catboy pretending to drive Romeo's Lab. Then, Gekko revealed that he was moving the Lab. Romeo came to the lab and once more he saw Owlette with the Big Box of Bad, she knocked it over to the booby-trap. The Big Box of Bad was destroyed, and the city was restored to its original state. Romeo figured out that his lab was charged as this happened. Romeo stepped on a booby-trap, then he had his time hanging out. Robot catches Romeo and mentions that they stepped on a booby-trap. The PJ Masks said their motto and the day was saved in the night.

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PJ Masks logo
PJ Masks
CatboyOwletteGekkoPJ RobotArmadylanAn YuNewton StarRomeoRobotLuna GirlNight NinjaNinjalinosTeeny WeenyWolfy KidsFireflyMunki-GuOctobellaPharaoh BoyPirate RobotOrticiaCameronMarieJennyTimmyStevenMegTommyTeacherMothsCarlyCartokaPJ RidersBastetLilyfayIce CubGloop IIIGloopets
Season One: "Blame it on the Train, Owlette / Catboy's Cloudy Crisis" • "Owlette and the Flash Flip Trip / Catboy and the Pogo Dozer" • "Gekko and the Super Ninjalinos / Owlette's Terrible Pterodactyl Trouble" • "Catboy and the Shrinker / Owlette and the Moon-Ball" • "Catboy and the Butterfly Brigade / Owlette the Winner" • "Speak Up, Gekko! / Catboy and Master Fang's Sword" • "Catboy vs. Robo-Cat / Owlette and the Giving Owl" • "Catboy and the Great Birthday Cake Rescue / Gekko and the Snore-A-Saurus" • "Looking After Gekko / Catboy and the Teeny Weeny Ninjalino" • "Catboy's Tricky Ticket / Gekko and the Missing Gekko-Mobile" • "Catboy's Flying Fiasco / Gekko's Stay-at-Home Sneezes" • "Gekko Saves Christmas / Gekko's Nice Ice Plan" • "Gekko and the Mighty Moon Problem / Clumsy Catboy" • "Catboy and Gekko's Robot Rampage / Owlette's Feathered Friend" • "Owlette and the Battling Headquarters / Gekko and the Mayhem at the Museum" • "Catboy Takes Control / Owlette's Two Wrongs" • "Gekko Floats / Catboy's Two-Wheeled Wonder" • "Catboy's Great Gig / Owlette's New Move" • "Supersonic Owlette / Catboy and the Sticky Splat Slingshot" • "Owlette of a Kind / Beat the Drum, Catboy" • "Catboy Squared / Gekko's Super Gekko Sense" • "Owlette and the Owletteenies / Gekko's Blame Campaign" • "Owlette and the Moonflower / Slowpoke Gekko" • "Catboy and the Lunar Dome / Gekko and the Rock of All Power" • "Super-Sized Gekko / Take to the Skies, Owlette" • "Slow Down, Catboy! / Gekko's Special Rock"

Season Two: "Moonfizzle Balls / Soccer Ninjalinos" • "Lionel-Saurus / Catboy's Cuddly" • "Night of the Cat / Catboy Does it Again" • "Terrible Two-Some / Owlette's Luna Trouble" • "Ninja Moths / Who's Got the Owl Power?" • "PJ Pinball / Bounce-a-Tron" • "Wacky Floats / Romeo's Disguise" • "PJ Robot / PJ Power Up" • "Moonstruck" • "Robot's Pet Cat / Gekko, Master of the Deep" • "May the Best Power Win / Moonbreaker" • "Race Up Mystery Mountain / The Mountain Prisoner" • "The Wolfy Kids / Wolf-O-Saurus" • "Catboy No More / Gekko vs. Splatcano" • "Meet Armadylan / Invisible Owlette" • "Wolfy Mountain / Romeo's Crystal Clear Plan" • "Nobody's Sidekick / Armadylan Menace" • "Powerpond Weed / Owlette Comes Clean" • "Halloween Tricksters" • "The Wolfies Take HQ / The Good Wolfy" • "The Wolfy Plan / The Lizard Theft" • "PJ Dylan / Armadylan'd and Dangerous" • "Romeo's Action Toys / The Dragon Gong" • "Romeocoaster" / "Flight of the Ninja" • "Gekko and the Opposite Ray / PJ Masks vs. Bad Guys United" • "Easter Wolfies / Luna and the Wolfies"
Season Three: "Moon Madness" • "Armadylan and Robette Rule / Armadylan Zen" • "Way of the Woofy / Werejalinos" • "PJ Comet / Glowy Moths" • "Teacher Goes Ninja / Robot Goes Wrong" • "Lionel's Powers / Best Friends Forever" • "Meet An Yu" • "The Moon Prix / Pirates Ahoy!" • "Secret of the Pagoda / Storm of the Ninja" • "Arma-Leader / Owlette Slips Up" • "The Splat Monster" • "Moth on the Moon / Fly Me to the Moon" • "Luna's Cosmic Tantrum / Motsuki the Best" • "Wheels of a Hero / Moonwolfy" • "Clash on Mystery Mountain / A Teeny Weeny Problem" • "Take Romeo off the Road / Mission: PJ Seeker" • "Wolfy Powers / Do The Gekko" • "Armadylan, Action Hero / Super Muscles Show Off" • "The Prank Wheelz / Where's the Wolf Wheelz" • "Villain of the Sky / Protector of the Sky" • "The PJ Masks Save Christmas" • "Romeo's Melody / PJ Robot Takes Control" • "PJ Sky Pirates / The Disappearing Ninjas • "Gekko Everywhere / Gekko Takes Charge" • "Big Sister Motsuki / PJ Party Crasher" • "Master of the Moat / PJ Robot Vs Romeo"
Season Four: "Heroes of the Sky" • "Who Let The Moths In? / Commander Meow" • "Motsuki's Missing Sister / Not so Ninja" • "PJ Party Mountain / Wolfies of the Pagoda" • "Master Fang's Secret / Aerodylan" • "Asteroid Accident / All About Asteroid" • "Romeo's Space Machine / Newton and the Ninjas" • "Missing Space Rock / Flying Factory Out of Control" • "Munki-gu / Munki-gu in the City" • "Mission Munki-gu / Legend of the Wolfy Bone" • "Gekko Vs Armavillain / Super Super Cat Speed" • "Munki-gu's Dragon / Gekko Loves Lionel" • "Octobella / Octo-Trouble" • "Star Buddies / To the Moon and Back" • "Magnet in the Moat / Motsuki Bugs Out" • "Octobella's Garden / Sploshy Splash" • "Teeny Weeny Returns / Robo-Wolf" • "The Labours of Armadylan / Lost in Space" • "Monkey Chatter / The Secret of Monkey Goodness • "Pharaoh Boy / By My Pharaoh Feathers" • "Pharaoh's Chariot / PJ Robot Malfunction" • "The Mysterious Masks / Battle of the Fangs" • "Catboy's Cat / Mad with Moon Power" • "Pharaoh and the Ninjalinos / Pharaoh's Boomerangs" • "Bubbles of Badness"
Season Five: "Ninja Power Up" • "Luna Goes Too Far? / Owly Tricks" • "Newton The Destructor / Luna Kazoomer" • "Baddie Bots / Newton and the Animals" • "Octobella Strikes Again / Octobella on the Loose" • "Teeny Weeny To The Rescue / Invisible Munki-Gu" • "Orticia Blooms / Orticia And The Pumpkins" • "Pirate Robot / Owlette, The Pirate Queen" • "Catboy's Magic Trick / Gekko The Croc" • "The Camping Trip / Pondweed Party" • "A Percival Problem / Luna Girl's Sleepover" • "Dragon Dance / An Yu and the Cave Stones" • "Midnight Snack Attack / The Voyage of the Golden Asteroid" • "Carly and Cartoka" • "The PJ Riders / Flashcar in the Sky" • "Luna's Mega Moth / Captain Pirate Robot" • "Crash Track Trick / Gekko's Speedy Lizard" • "Night Ninja's School of Naughtiness / The Jolly Ninjalino" • "The Power of Mystery Mountain" • "Slow and Sneaky / The PJ Riders Save the Day" • "Moon Marooned / Newton and the Star Splat" • "Trick or Treat" • "Heroes of the Road" • "Newton's Discovery / Romeo's Pirate Trap" • "Luna's Moon Attack"

Season Six/Power Heroes: "Heroes Everywhere" • "The Whiff of Badness / An Yu's Birthday" • "Newton's New Asteroid / Moon Music" • "I Scream for Wolfies / An Yu and the Gekkos" • "Pirate Ice Storm / Lilyfay" • "Iceworld" • "It's a Cat Thing / The Dance of Two Cats" • "Space Fairy Hero / Lilyfay and the Lake" • "Luna the Sun Girl / Cats on Wheels" • "Heroes of Iceworld" • "Gloop the Third" • "Wolfy Riders/Gekko Muscles In" • "The Christmas Ninjalinos" • "The Super Gloopster / Gloop in the Moat" • "Pharaoh's Mountain / Robot the Hero" • "Heroes of Space" • "Let it Howl/Wolfy Treasure Hunt" • "Bastet by the Book / Romeovision" • "Moth Boy / The Curse of Armadylan" • "Flashcar to the Moon / Catboy's Tiny Problem" • "The Sun Factory / Catboy Does it All" • "The Catastrophe Stone / The Legend of Moon Pirate" • "Return to Planet Gloop"

Super Cat SpeedSuper Gekko MusclesOwl EyesReinventionMoth's DaySuper Moves Dance PartySuper Gekko CamouflageTeamworkAll SkillsDeterminationGekko ImprovisesSuper Singing HeroesTeam Night NinjaSuper Cat EarsOwlette ImprovisesA Job For AllBraveryCatboy ImprovisesTaking TurnsTraining with the PJ MasksMoon RockedPlay Date on the MoonSpace RaceCat Car ChaosGekko Mobile MischiefRobots Wash UpOwl Glider GlidingArmadylan StyleWolfy GardenBye Bye Bad LunaCatboy Power UpOwlette Power UpGekko Power UpMasters of the MountainMoon CuddlyThe PJ RoversPJ RacingAn Yu's Bird RescuePJ Masks SurpriseNinjabilityHQ TourMinding MotsukiIt's A PJ Masks ChristmasLearning the Planets
Theme songLet's Go PJ Masks!The Bravest CatHey Hey OwletteMighty Little GekkoLet's Get SillyThe Power of FriendshipPJ Masks Will Save the DayHello Christmas!PJ Masks Are Feeling Great!
Cat-CarOwl GliderGekko-MobileRomeo's LabPJ JetPJ SeekerPJ RoversPJ SubSky FactoryGigantogarageFlashcarNewtronIce DasherPJ ExploriderGloopster
PJ Masks HeadquartersMystery MountainPJ Masks' NeighborhoodZoomzaniaIce WorldPower QGloop