"Ghost of a Chance" is the twenty-second episode of Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers. It premiered on October 10, 1989, and is the ninth episode of the second season.
While visiting the Tower of London on a quest to stop Fat Cat, the Rescue Rangers do not know Fat Cat and his men are spying on them. Talking about the crowned jewels, the Rangers meet up with the ghost of one of Monty's ancestors, Sir Colby. Monty then learns that Sir Colby is not as brave as he is made out to be.
- Corey Burton as Dale, Zipper, Mole
- Peter Cullen as Monterey Jack, Mepps
- Jim Cummings as Fat Cat, Wart, Sir Colby
- Tress MacNeille as Chip, Gadget Hackwrench
Home video release[]