"Girl's Knight Out" is the second segment of the thirty-seventh episode in the animated series, Adventures of the Gummi Bears. It premiered on December 3, 1988, alongside "Good Neighbor Gummi", and is the second segment of the eighth episode in the fourth season.
King Gregor proposes a series of tests for Unwin and the other squires to become Princess Calla's bodyguard, which includes stealing the Golden Apple from the strong and mysterious knight.
Calla conceals her appearance in a Gummi suit of armor, and competes as well, in order to prove that she is capable of her own self defense.
- Brian Cummings as Sir Tuxford
- Katie Leigh as Sunni Gummi
- Noelle North as Princess Calla
- Will Ryan as Unwin
- Michael Rye as King Gregor/Mysterious Knight
- Unidentified voice actors as Roland and Gar
- Cubbi, Tummi, Gruffi, Grammi, and Zummi Gummi do not appear.
- This episode marks Unwin's final appearance in the series.