"Girls' Day Out" is the thirteenth episode of 101 Dalmatian Street. It premiered on Disney Channel UK & Europe on April 4, 2019 and premiered on Disney XD in the United States on April 1, 2021[1].
When Dolly and Delilah fall out on Mother's Day, Doug reckons a day at the doggy day spa will bring them closer together. But could this be a recipe for disaster?
It is Mother's Day, and Dolly has arranged a surprise for Delilah. With a breakfast bowl at the entrance to the bed room, the other pups lower in and have Delilah waken, surrounded by Orchids. The plan goes wrong, however, as it turns out Delilah is allergic to orchids, and she gets angry at Dolly for doing this on her day off. Dylan rushes up with a box of tissues, and Delilah thinks he made the kibble bowl, too. Delilah's reaction angers Dolly, who snaps "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!" at Delilah.
Delilah then realizes it is Mother's Day, and Dylan explains that Dolly had been planning a nice surprise for Delilah for months, but they forgot about her allergies. Delilah tries to apologize to Dolly, but the damage has already been done for her. Doug then arrives home, and gives Delilah his Mother's Day present: a day at the Animal Spa. He notices what has happened between Delilah and Dolly and suggests the two go together and try to patch things up. Delilah is unsure, considering what happened, and thinking they should do it another day, but Doug notes it has already been arranged. Doug then convinces Dolly to head to the spa with Delilah.
Delilah and Dolly arrive at the spa, and both are weirded out by what it is like. The two try to get their fur done, with Delilah trying to talk to Dolly, but Dolly does not want to talk with her. After their fur is done (in a rather spiky style), Portia the Poodle and Spencer the Sausage Dog poke fun at Dolly, with Delilah snarling at them. The two Dalmatians then try to get their claws painted, but Clarissa the Corgi is there too, and loudly mocks Dolly. Delilah instantly steps in and defends Dolly, before heading to another spot in the spa.
Dolly thanks Delilah for standing up for her, and the two begin to talk it out. It is then that Delilah notices a cat choking on a hair ball and she performs the Heimlich maneuver, which sends the hair ball flying in to Clarissa's face. The human spa workers think, however, that Delilah was attacking the cat and try to restrain the two Dalmatians. This leads to a chase through the spa, with Delilah and Dolly getting covered in spray tan before they manage to escape, with help from the cat that Delilah saved tripping the spa workers up.
Outside, the Dalmatians see how the tan has made them look, laughing about how it makes them look like hyenas. Unfortunately, the other humans think they are escaped hyenas from the London Zoo, and the two get chased through the streets of Camden, before being picked up by a human (the park vendor from "Dog's Best Friend"). She, too, however, thinks that Delilah and Dolly are hyenas and plans to "return" them to Africa. Delilah tries to tell the human that she and Dolly are actually Dalmatians, but the human cannot understand them (Delilah questioning what it is about humans and learning a second language).
Delilah and Dolly then apologize for how they acted earlier that morning, which then gives Dolly an idea when she recalls Delilah giving the Heimlich maneuver. She performs it on the water feeder of their pen, which allows them to nudge the key to said pen into their paws so they can escape.
Back at the house, Delilah and Dolly are dozing together, with Doug commenting that the two look like a pair of "Sleeping Beauties" and the other pups groaning at the "Dad joke".
- Josh Brener as Dylan
- Michaela Dietz as Dolly
- Ella Kenion as Delilah
- Rhashan Stone as Doug
- Margot Powell as Dorothy
- Bert Davis as Diesel
- Nefeli Karakosta as Dizzy
- Florrie Wilkinson as Dee Dee
- Pamola Faith as Portia Poodle
- Ben Bailey Smith as Spencer the Sausage Dogg
- Aimee-Ffion Edwards as Arabella
- Harriet Carmichael as Clarissa
- Rasmus Hardiker as Hansel
- Joshua LeClair as Hunter De Vil
- We learn in this episode that Delilah is allergic to orchids.
- In Delilah and Doug's bedroom, we see a clock with a hat on it. This is the same clock that Pongo adjusts in the beginning of the first "101 Dalmatians" animated film in order to arrange the meeting between Roger and Anita.
- Georgette from Oliver & Company makes a cameo appearance at the spa alongside the other poodles.
- Delilah makes a reference to The Powerpuff Girls by calling Clarissa "Princess Powderpuff".