"Give It a Try" is a song performed by Piglet, Rabbit and Tigger in the episode, "The Spice of Life," a story from The Book of Pooh. In the story, the bees have gone on strike, leading to a honey shortage and Pooh's friends are worried about him not eating. They sing the song to try to get him to eat other types of food. Piglet tries to convince him to eat an acorn salad, Rabbit wants him to try gazpacho carrot fricassee and Tigger tries to tempt with a peanut butter marshmallow and banana sandwich on a seven grain health loaf. At the end, everyone sings their parts of the song together in harmony. The song doesn't work—Pooh asks them if they have any honey, but they shake their heads "no."
This song was featured as Track 20 on the album Songs from The Book of Pooh.
Now, I hope you like this.
I made an acorn salad
Heh, no thank you, Piglet.
On a bed of baby greens
Smells rather bitter.
But these are fresh this morning
Very kind of you.
All topped off with pickled beans
Delicious, if one likes that sort of thing, I'm sure.
Give it a try
Why not give it a try?
'Cause you'll never know how yummy acorns are
If you say "I only eat from a honey jar."
Just give it a try
And for dessert, here's acorn pie
Before you say "tut tut"
You oughta know what
You oughta give it a try
Oh my!
Seems to me if the bear won't eat, you can't make him. With a belly like that he can go days, maybe weeks, without food. Ooh, good heavens, heh heh!
Would ya' like a little carrot
Picked myself this very morning?
And can you find an excuse
To refuse a little carrot juice?
And then
Gezpacho carrot fricasse
Granny's recipe, oh my
You oughta give it a try
Uh oh! Hoo!
What was that?
It was Pooh's tummy! There's no honey in the Wood.
Oh, I know what he needs!
Hows'a'hows about a peanut butter marshmallow and banana sandwich?
Oh, what a sandwich
My kitchen!
On a seven-grain health loaf, oh!
Did I mention to you peanut butter marshmallow and banana sandwich
On a seven-grain health loaf?
You oughta give it a try
Hmph. If he won't eat my soup or Piglet's salad, what makes you think he'll eat that?
Well, Rabbit, why not let him give it a try?
The three sing their portions of their song in harmony. Piglet begins singing his from the point where Pooh was no longer responding.
Piglet, Rabbit and Tigger:
You oughta give it a try
But do you have any honey?
The three shake their heads "no":
Oh bother
Piglet, Rabbit and Tigger:
You oughta give it a try!