"Goblin War" is a four-part episode of the third season of Disney XD's Spider-Man, compromising of the twenty-third to twenty-sixth episode of the second season, and the forty-eighth to fifty-first episode overall. The episodes aired between November 10 to December 1, 2019. It was written by Gavin Hignight, Jacob Semahn and Gavin Hignight, Jacob Semahn and, and directed by Eric Elrod and Sol Choi.
Spider-Man teams up with Spider-Girl, Ghost-Spider and Doc Ock to track down a new threat – the mysterious Goblin Nation. (Part 1)
Spider-Man and Harry Osborn seek the Goblin King to determine who is behind the Goblin Mask. (Part 2)
In order for Spider-Man to defeat the Goblin King, he must first bring together Doc Ock, Spider-Girl, Ghost-Spider, Miles Morales and Harry Osborn. (Part 3)
Spider-Man and his friends must stop the Goblin King before he destroys New York City. (Part 4)
See Also[]