"Gods and Monsters" is the sixth and final episode of the Disney+ streaming television miniseries Moon Knight and will be released on May 4, 2022. It was written by Jeremy Slater, Peter Cameron, Sabir Pirzada from a story by Danielle Iman and Slater and directed by Mohamed Diab.
As Moon Knight joins the fray, Marc, Steven, and Khonshu must work together to stop Ammit.
In the real world, Harrow removes the statue of Ammit from Marc's deceased body before upgrading his walking stick. He and his followers leave with a distraught Layla in disguise. As Harrow uses Ammit's powers to judge people, Taweret possesses the body of a soldier to tell Layla that there is still a way to save Marc and that she can use her as her avatar, though she turns her down. Taweret tells her that she needs to get Khonshu's statue to free him and rescue Marc. Harrow breaks into the Pyramid of Giza and uses his powers to kill the avatars of the other Gods before finally unleashing Ammit. Layla finds Khonshu's statue and frees him, while also turning down the offer to replace Marc.
Back in the Field of Reeds, Marc is comforted by Taweret about finally achieving peace, but realizes that he cannot live without Steven, due to how much he has saved his life. He returns to the Duat and manages to find his stone body in front of the Gates of Osiris. After finally coming to terms with Steven being his "superpower", Osiris opens the gates; freeing Marc and Steven from the Duat. A tidal wave of sand comes with Taweret giving them enough time to escape through the gates and back into the real world. Marc/Steven awakens with Khonshu returning to him and imbuing him with his powers. Khonshu uses his powers to make it nighttime so that they can be stronger.
Harrow sends his followers out into the city of Cairo to "judge" people while Layla finally offers to become Taweret's avatar; gaining a costume and becoming the Scarlet Scarab. Marc as Moon Knight rushes into battle to face Harrow as Khonshu and Ammit grow to giant size and do battle over the Pyramid of Giza. Marc and Layla manage to take out Harrow's followers and protect the civilians, but Harrow manages to overpower Marc. In a sudden blackout, Marc awakens to find himself standing over a defeated Harrow with all of his followers dead or unconscious on the ground. Marc and Layla then use a spell to seal Ammit inside Harrow, but refuses to kill him. Khonshu then decides to release Marc/Steven.
Marc/Steven has one final fantasy in the sanitarium with Dr. Harrow before accepting that they are very much awake and at peace with themselves. They then wake up back in their London apartment; lamenting the fact that they still practically live in squalor. In an actual sanitarium, a disillusioned Harrow is tended to by nurses, only for someone speaking Spanish to come and wheel him into a white limo. Harrow is confronted by Khonshu who states that he never intended to use Layla as a replacement and that Marc has always been perfect, before revealing that their driver is another one of Marc's personalities, Jake Lockley, who promptly kills Harrow and drives away with his body for his next mission.
- Oscar Isaac as Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley/Moon Knight/Mr. Knight
- May Calamawy as Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab / Taweret
- Ann Akinjirin as Bobbi Kennedy
- Antonia Salib as Taweret
- Karim El-Hakim as Khonshu
- F. Murray Abraham as Khonshu (voice)
- Sofia Danu as Ammit
- Saba Mubarak as Ammit (voice)
- Ethan Hawke as Arthur Harrow
Guest stars[]
- Díana Bermudez as Yatzil
- Declan Hannigan as Horus' Avatar
- Hayley Konadu as Tefnut's Avatar
- Nagisa Morimoto as Isis' Avatar
- Hazem Elessawy as Patrol Guard #1
- Kimo Rady as Patrol Guard #2
- Ahmed Said as Patrol Guard #3
- Nicole Iskander as Young Egyptian Woman
- Taissir Khalfallah as Female Nurse
- Michael Benjamin Hernandez as Marc Spector/Steven Grant Double
- When the episode was first posted on Disney+, it was simply listed as "Episode 6".
- The title is a reference to the 1998 film "Gods and Monsters".
External Links[]
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