Goofy Adventures is a comic book published by Disney Comics featuring Goofy as the main character. In this comic book Goofy appears in different parody type stories. This comic book lasted for 17 issues from April 1990 to August 1991, edited by David Seidman.
Every issue either has a satire on American history or science fiction or some other type of pop culture.
Some of the issues are English translations of European Goofy comics or reprints.
List of Issues[]
- Balboa De Goofy, and Goofy Frankenstein Part 1
- Goofy Frankenstein Part 2, Goofy Peary at the North Pole, and Goof Brothers at Kitty Hawk
- Covered Wagons Ho and Alexander Goof
- The Great Goofidini
- Sir Goof and Knights of the Square Table, and First Goof on the Moon
- Super Goof and the Thief of Zanzipar
- Two Muskeeters Plus One
- Goofy Washington Our Nation's Flounder, A Goofy Look at the Movies, and Star Goof
- The Name's Goof James Goof
- Goofy Samurai, and A Goofy Look at Doors
- Goofis Khan
- Arizona Goof and the Lost Aztec Temple Part 1
- Arizona Goof and the Lost Aztec Temple Part 2
- Alexander Goof The Early Years
- Super Goof Versus the Cold Ray
- Sheerluck Goof and the Giggling Ghost of Notenny Moor, and The Goofy Wolfman
- Back in Time, and Tomb of Goofula
After the series got cancelled, Goofy stories occasionally appeared in Walt Disney's Comics and Stories for the remainder of Disney Comics' run.
External links[]
- "Goofy Adventures", Disney Comics Worldwide, Wolfstad.
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