"Goofy Goes Goofy" is the sixty-fourth episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It originally aired on Playhouse Disney on November 21, 2009, and is the thirty-seventh episode in the second season.
Goofy gets cloned after he accidentally played with Ludwig Von Drake's special gooey-goo. Mickey and his friends must take care of the duplicates until the effects of the gooey-goo wear off.
Characters Present[]
- Mickey Mouse
- Pluto
- Ludwig Von Drake
- Goofy (with five clones of himself)
- Toodles
- Donald Duck
- Minnie Mouse
- Daisy Duck
- Pluto
- Clarabelle Cow
- Pete
- The handy crane (To get the first 3 Goofy's down) (Used third)
- Shape stickers (To patch the hole in the Glove Balloon) (Used second)
- A bologna sandwich (To get the Goofy's unstuck from the Upslide) (Used first)
- Springy shoes (Mystery Mousketool, To catch the jumping beans) (Used last)
- This episode aired in the UK and Ireland on July 20, 2009.
- Goofy breaks the fourth wall as he appears out of nowhere, making the title card fly off.
- This marks the second time someone gets stuck in the Upslide, the first was the baby elephant in "Daisy's Pet Project".
- This episode was produced in 2008, according to the credits.
- The Disney+ description of this episode says that Goofy splits into 12 Goofys, despite only 6 Goofys being there.
- Recapping how many coins Clarabelle's moo muffins cost and how many coins Pete gave Goofy.
- Clarabelle: (Singing her Moo-Mart song) Welcome to the new Moo Mart. Come on down! Get a shopping cart! Do try my snacks—by one, by nine. If you want some muffins, they're "udder-ly" divine. Thirsty and you need a treat? My moo mango juice can't be beat. So, come down to the new Moo Mart. Where your shopping days should always start.