"Graduation Day" is a two-part series finale, comprising of the the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth episodes of the fourth season of Disney XD's Ultimate Spider-Man, and the one-hundred and third to one-hundred and fourth episode overall. The episodes aired on January 7, 2017. It was written by Kevin Burke & Chris "Doc" Wyatt and directed by Young Ki Yoon and Jae Woo Kim.
As Peter Parker prepares to graduate from S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy, he is visited by Doctor Octopus who threatens to harm Aunt May if he puts on the Spider-Man costume again. Spider-Man refuses to agree and puts Aunt May in protective S.H.I.E.L.D. custody. After rounding up Scorpion, Kraven the Hunter, Vulture, and Rhino as well as turning Crossbones into a Lizard, Doctor Octopus allows himself to be incarcerated in the Triskelion's security brig. The graduation ceremony attended by the Avengers, Doctor Strange, Sandman, Nick Fury, Power Man's parents, Patrioteer, and Ant-Man. As he ends up breaking out while Spider-Man brings Aunt May to the graduation, Doctor Octopus and his new Sinister Six break free as he ensnares Aunt May. Spider-Man reluctanly injects himself with a serum to cure him of his powers in order to keep Aunt May safe. Doctor Octopus then takes control of the Triskelion where he places a contracting forcefield around the graduation ceremony.
The contracting forcefield is starting to close in on the graduation attendees. Desperate to stop the Superior Sinister Six and getting a pep talk from Aunt May, Spider-Man gets his original web shooters back from Aunt May and heads to Oscorp. With the help of Norman Osborn, Spider-Man is able to regain his powers with the radioactive spider in Doctor Octopus' hidden lab and confront the Superior Sinister Six when they arrive at Oscorp upon noticing that Norman Osborn wasn't there. As Doctor Octopus terrorizes the city, Spider-Man uses the same serum on Vulture, Crossbones, and Rhino to depower them while also defeating Kraven the Hunter and Scorpion. Doctor Octopus then turns himself into a mindless giant octopus-like creature. Using the serum, Spider-Man turns Doctor Octopus back to normal who tells Spider-Man that even he doesn't know how to get rid of the contracting forcefield. Doctor Octopus cooperates with Spider-Man to deactivate the contracting forcefield. Afterwards, Doctor Octopus is taken away by Iron Man. Following the graduation ceremony, Agent Venom and Scarlet Spider become S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy teachers and Nick Fury tells Spider-Man that he has become the Ultimate Spider-Man after he stops Trapster. Peter Parker reminisces on his more inexperienced days as Spider-Man and how far he has come as Spider-Man and goes out to stop a robbery in the East Village.