Grandpa Duck, also known as Grandpappy, is Donald Duck's pioneering grandfather, who teaches him the virtues of hunting in Disney's 1955 animated short No Hunting.
He is first seen on a painting in Donald's dining room. The narrator compares Donald's comfortable and plentiful lifestyle with that of Donald's grandfather, who did not have it that easy, and still had to hunt in order to have food on the table. When he hears about the upcoming opening of the hunting season, Grandpa Duck's spirit emerges from the portrait, and insists that Donald take part, and accompanies him on the hunt.
He reappeared in the Disneyland episode "Your Host, Donald Duck", when Donald tells the audience the story of how his grandparents came west in a covered wagon. Here, he is given the proper name of Rufus Duck.
He is generally considered to be Grandma Duck's husband, given his name and relation to Donald.
- When Grandpa Duck reappeared in the Duck family tree drawn by Giovan Battista Carpi (first printed in 1994), he and Grandma Duck's husband (as he appeared in The Good Old Daze from 1964) were shown on different portraits. Grandma Duck's husband was here called "Donald's grandpa", while Grandpa Duck from the 1955 cartoon was called "Donald's great-grandpa", implying that he is in fact a generation older than Grandma's husband. This information is, however, not given in the original cartoon in which Grandpa appeared.